#dev | Logs for 2017-03-02

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[00:27:17] <paulej72> I got a fix for mod buttons showing for ACs
[01:10:08] <paulej72> trying to track down a bug, but i was deploying from the wrong directory. I was testing on staff slash
[01:10:25] <paulej72> but I have mod buttons fixed
[01:10:49] <paulej72> and I have story comment count linking to commentwrap
[01:11:33] <paulej72> now to fix some css
[02:44:10] <paulej72> pushed out some fixes tonight. for some of the bigger bugs.
[03:02:16] <Bytram> paulej72: That's awesome work! Many thanks!
[03:05:10] <Bytram> Deucalion: paulej72: TheMightyBuzzard: NCommander: I recall when the site first rolled out, there was an imposed day off so folks could recuperate from their non-stop labors getting the site up and running. I propose that you all take Thursday off. Unless there is some major bug I am not aware of, I think it would be good for the community to have a day of using the site without things changing under them (and so they can better understand
[03:05:10] <Bytram> what all the stuff does/is supposed to do) and so you can get some much-deserved rest. Thoughts?
[03:07:20] <Bytram> I'll gladly send out a story informing the community of this, suggest they reply to that story with any issues they are still encountering. But, more importantly, encourage the community to help folks who have issues to maybe tweak a setting they may not be aware of. IOW see if they can work it out among themselves.
[03:11:16] <Fnord666> I think that sounds like an excellent idea
[03:54:27] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[12:11:52] * Bytram waves at paulej72
[12:51:04] * Bytram waves at paulej72
[12:53:50] * Bytram notes there was some interesting discussion in #Soylent re: handling of pages of comments and also wrt to handling CID vs page number.
[15:56:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, gave a go at some bug chasing yesterday and decided i was entirely too close to burnout. haven't been fishing since january, which is likely contributing, so i'm going to get my licenses and run other errands today and fishing at least tomorrow n likely saturday.
[15:57:39] <Bytram> nod nod. Kinda figured as much, at least in concept if not details. hence the suggestion for a day off...
[15:58:04] <Bytram> I'm dragging a lot, too. and I think we are feeling it.
[15:58:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, gonna take more than a day. i can't even understand my own code and the stress has been eating my entire ass.
[15:58:43] <Bytram> nod nod
[15:58:54] <Bytram> I've been there and know the feeling.
[15:59:11] <Bytram> The spirit is willing but the flesh (mind) is weak.
[15:59:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. folks will just hafta either forgive me a break or find greener pastures.
[15:59:48] <Bytram> had to *force* myself to write the story to say that we needed a break.
[16:00:06] <Bytram> I think they'll understand...
[16:00:29] * Bytram loads the storyhttps://soylentnews.org
[16:00:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar, it's top o the page
[16:01:07] <Bytram> nod
[16:01:21] <Bytram> saw a big thanks up there.
[16:02:30] <Bytram> you might find this to be an interesting read: http://www.anandtech.com
[16:02:31] <aqu4>  ^ "3Making AMD Tick: A Very Zen Interview with Dr. Lisa Su, CEO"
[16:03:08] <Bytram> dreaming of new, less-expensive and more-powerful systems always seems to boost my spirits
[16:11:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm
[16:11:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep
[16:11:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[16:11:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[16:11:16] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 2
[16:22:54] <Bytram> FYI, someone would like to use comment score as the primary sort key... I said I'd mention it to you lot. Also that we have enough work just getting the other stuff to work right... once that is solid AND well-understood, I could see adding that as an option.
[16:23:12] <Bytram> consider it mentioned, and now don't worry about it too much.
[16:27:33] <paulej72> the best we could do is order by native score, not by user adjusted score
[16:28:05] <paulej72> since we do not pull in all of the comments and then build the comment tree
[16:28:18] <Bytram> makes sense...
[16:29:18] <Bytram> and... I see that TMB alerady replied. =)
[16:29:32] <Bytram> Q: https://soylentnews.org
[16:29:33] <aqu4>  ^ "3SoylentNews Comments | Site Update - Taking a Breather"
[16:37:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, off to go drop a hunnerd bucks or so on fishing paperwork and other errands. see yall after a bit.
[16:38:11] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: Good For You! Enjoy your break -- you D E S E R V E it!
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