#dev | Logs for 2017-01-13

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[00:51:04] <Bytram> #fite Loggie
[00:51:04] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[00:51:15] <MrPlow> #fite Loggie falls broken at Bytram's feet.
[00:51:46] <Bytram> #fite MrPlow
[00:51:46] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[00:52:05] <MrPlow> #fite MrPlow falls broken at Bytram's feet.
[00:52:51] <Bytram> #fite aqu4
[00:52:51] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[00:52:57] <MrPlow> #fite aqu4 falls broken at Bytram's feet.
[08:16:08] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:17:05] -!- chromas has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:57:41] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@119.17.wmi.rzn] has joined #dev
[11:18:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fite Hera
[11:18:47] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[11:18:50] <MrPlow> #fite Hera falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:42:58] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #dev
[13:31:40] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:02:31] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #dev