#dev | Logs for 2014-04-09

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[00:20:58] mrcoolbp is now known as mrcoolbp|afk
[01:04:33] mrcoolbp|afk is now known as mrcoolbp
[01:10:06] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[01:26:20] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[01:52:03] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[02:10:20] -!- G-forze [G-forze!~nicke@jp336.netikka.fi] has joined #dev
[03:19:37] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #dev
[03:19:37] -!- mode/#dev [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[03:19:57] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[04:11:31] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[05:33:57] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[06:39:50] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[07:09:36] <Bytram|afk> !current-uid
[07:09:36] <Gerbilius> The current maximum UID is 4056, owned by LeadFreeSucks
[07:16:57] -!- Bytram|afk has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:37:23] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[07:38:20] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:49:09] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[12:30:02] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[12:42:48] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[12:45:32] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[14:16:21] -!- Titanium has quit []
[14:31:32] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[15:23:20] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #dev
[15:23:20] -!- mode/#dev [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[15:23:35] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[17:41:18] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[17:45:33] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:14:08] <NCommander> paulej72, http://soylentnews.org - we need to fix this >.<;
[19:23:09] <chromas> With all those links, it could also be auto-modded as (-1, Mental Masturbation)
[19:39:14] <xlefay> o.O just reconnected and the first thing I seen is "Mental Masturbation" - god I love this place
[19:39:21] <xlefay> morning people
[20:14:18] <paulej72> !grab chromas
[20:14:18] <Gerbilius> Added quote 5
[20:52:51] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #dev
[20:52:51] -!- mode/#dev [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[20:59:16] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[21:08:14] -!- saustin_ [saustin_!~austin@uz-200-88-418-844.rev.intellispace.net] has joined #dev
[21:11:00] -!- saustin has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:18:36] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #dev
[22:17:12] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[22:36:42] -!- saustin__ [saustin__!~austin@uz-200-88-418-844.rev.intellispace.net] has joined #dev
[22:37:27] -!- saustin_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[23:05:20] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[23:25:51] <Bytram> !current-uid
[23:25:51] <Gerbilius> The current maximum UID is 4071, owned by inertnet
[23:38:04] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[23:50:36] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]