#dev | Logs for 2014-03-12

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[00:23:24] cmdr_paulej72 is now known as paulej72
[00:23:31] audioguy is now known as Commodore_AudioGuy
[00:26:55] -!- paulej72 has quit []
[00:45:45] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:05:23] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!~paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #dev
[01:05:23] -!- mode/#dev [+v paulej72] by ChanServ
[01:49:01] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[02:00:59] -!- drcoolbp|AFK [drcoolbp|AFK!~mrcoolbp@m-26-192-24-080.hsd7.ma.comcast.net] has joined #dev
[02:01:00] -!- drcoolbp|AFK has quit [Changing host]
[02:01:00] -!- drcoolbp|AFK [drcoolbp|AFK!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #dev
[02:01:49] drcoolbp|AFK is now known as drcoolbp
[02:05:31] Commodore_AudioGuy is now known as audioguy
[02:06:06] drcoolbp is now known as Captain_coolbp
[02:10:35] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
[02:10:35] -!- mode/#dev [+v robind] by ChanServ
[02:32:23] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@179.43.umm.hx] has joined #dev
[02:32:30] -!- MrBluze_ has quit [Client Quit]
[02:33:03] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #dev
[02:42:16] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #dev
[02:43:00] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:45:59] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503a8@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has joined #dev
[02:46:11] martyb is now known as bytram
[02:51:57] -!- G-forze [G-forze!~nicke@jp336.netikka.fi] has joined #dev
[03:05:11] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has joined #dev
[04:27:45] -!- robinld [robinld!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
[04:27:45] -!- mode/#dev [+v robinld] by ChanServ
[04:30:27] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:30:40] robinld is now known as robind
[04:32:24] -!- NezSez has quit []
[04:43:07] Captain_coolbp is now known as drcoolbp
[04:45:56] bytram is now known as bytram_afk
[04:49:02] -!- bytram_afk [bytram_afk!~a6b503a8@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has parted #dev
[04:55:18] -!- MrBluze_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:16:18] -!- robind has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:19:56] -!- paulej72 has quit [Quit: paulej72]
[05:26:46] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
[05:26:46] -!- mode/#dev [+v robind] by ChanServ
[05:57:59] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[05:58:02] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:04] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[05:58:05] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:06] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[05:58:07] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:09] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[05:58:09] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:11] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[05:58:14] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[06:00:17] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #dev
[06:04:36] -!- Peazy has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:04:49] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #dev
[06:09:08] -!- MrBluze has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:09:39] -!- MrBluze [MrBluze!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #dev
[06:10:41] -!- drcoolbp has quit []
[06:32:11] -!- robind has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:38:54] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:47:10] audioguy is now known as audioguyzzz
[08:00:51] -!- Hyper [Hyper!~GRD@11-109-102-605.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #dev
[08:08:50] -!- Hyper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:38:59] FatPhil is now known as cmdr_FatPhil
[10:04:02] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[10:20:06] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:26:13] -!- artificial has quit [Quit: As a designer, I hide information from you.]
[11:37:06] -!- FoobarBazbot|afk has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:38:51] -!- FoobarBazbot_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:41:16] -!- chromas [chromas!~quassel@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #dev
[11:42:10] -!- MrBluze_ [MrBluze_!~daniel@Soylent/Staff/IRC/MrBluze] has joined #dev
[11:43:05] MrBluze_ is now known as MrBluze
[12:34:30] -!- MrBluze has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:38:58] -!- neagix has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:05:58] -!- mode/#dev [+v cmdr_FatPhil] by ChanServ
[13:12:36] -!- cmdr_FatPhil has quit [Changing host]
[13:12:36] -!- cmdr_FatPhil [cmdr_FatPhil!~pcarmody@Soylent/Staff/Developer/FatPhil] has joined #dev
[13:12:36] -!- mode/#dev [+v cmdr_FatPhil] by irc.sylnt.us
[15:19:09] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #dev
[15:19:10] -!- mode/#dev [+v paulej72] by ChanServ
[15:47:17] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has joined #dev
[16:07:19] -!- cmdr_FatPhil [cmdr_FatPhil!~pcarmody@Soylent/Staff/Developer/FatPhil] has parted #dev
[16:41:25] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_AFK
[16:50:15] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
[16:50:15] -!- mode/#dev [+v robind] by ChanServ
[16:50:25] -!- robind has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:51:06] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
[16:51:06] -!- mode/#dev [+v robind] by ChanServ
[16:54:50] -!- song-of-the-pogo has quit [Quit: song-of-the-pogo]
[17:01:31] robind is now known as SoyBison
[17:11:01] SoyBison is now known as robind
[17:24:06] -!- NezSez [NezSez!~4c7061d7@j-78-064-32-800.hsd3.mi.comcast.net] has parted #dev
[18:00:33] -!- FoobarBazbot|afk [FoobarBazbot|afk!~FoobarBaz@66.249.jxj.hn] has joined #dev
[18:01:00] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[18:02:02] -!- FoobarBazbot_ [FoobarBazbot_!~FoobarBaz@66.249.jxj.hn] has joined #dev
[19:27:54] paulej72_AFK is now known as paulej72
[19:29:50] audioguyzzz is now known as audioguy
[20:00:07] -!- FoobarBazbot_ has quit [Quit: FoobarBazbot_]
[20:00:49] -!- FoobarBazbot_ [FoobarBazbot_!~FoobarBaz@66.249.jxj.hn] has joined #dev
[20:03:02] -!- Tachyon__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:03:40] -!- Tachyon__ [Tachyon__!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #dev
[20:07:32] -!- Tachyon__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:08:11] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #dev
[21:20:57] Hedonismbot is now known as Hyperbolebot
[21:41:00] audioguy is now known as audioguy-afk
[22:23:20] -!- VitaminR has quit [Quit: Client exiting]
[23:59:58] -!- paulej72 has quit []