#dev | Logs for 2014-03-07 - Select a date

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[00:00:20] <stderr> ODD!!! On ~stderr firehose.css is included twice.
[00:00:39] <stderr> Right after each other... Same media and everything...
[00:01:39] <stderr> And not included at all on the other pages as far as I can tell.
[00:03:37] <martyb> stderr: I do not see that.... I see a get of firehose.css, then slashcode.css, and then print.css
[00:04:08] <martyb> stderr: all are T_2_5_0_272
[00:04:43] <martyb> stderr: oops, missed that before those 3 is a get of base.css, with the same T "number"
[00:05:10] <stderr> Front page according to Chromium dev. tools: <title>, <link base.css>, <link slashcode.css>, <link print.css> and then a bunch of <script>-tags.
[00:06:20] <stderr> ~stderr/ according to Chromium dev. tools: <title> (with lots of whitespace), <link base.css>, <link firehose.css>, <link firehost.css> again, <link slashcode.css>, <link print.css> and then <script>-tags.
[00:06:54] <stderr> Same T for all of them.
[00:07:42] <audioguy> The T number is the slash version number
[00:07:48] <martyb> stderr: hmmm, I was using the "LiveHTTPHeaders" addon and just shared with you what went down the line... let me take another look.
[00:08:03] <audioguy> It is added live in the call.
[00:08:58] <stderr> Removing both of those <link firehose.css> tags fixes the problem.
[00:09:47] <audioguy> The firehose css is also not the only css that gets doubled, at times.
[00:10:16] <audioguy> They are doouble in the database itself.
[00:10:26] <martyb> stderr: okay... just did a view source on both pages on my side; I see the same thing.
[00:10:45] <martyb> audioguy: doouble doouble fire and troouble?
[00:10:54] <martyb> ;^)
[00:11:01] <audioguy> doubled ;-)
[00:11:16] <martyb> audioguy: no proublem!
[00:27:48] <paulej72> I have a notion to delete everything in firehose.css and see if anything happens
[00:28:41] <audioguy> Bad shit may happen. Didn;t we see this before?
[00:29:10] <audioguy> But I am game for a try - delete from the database to make a quick check
[00:29:46] <martyb> paulej72: Oh, there you are!
[00:29:55] <audioguy> My own inclination is to remove firehose from the code itself first, THEN delete the css.
[00:29:59] <martyb> just left a msg in #staff; hold on.
[00:30:19] <paulej72> Yes I am here
[00:30:43] <martyb> Take a look at bug: https://github.com
[00:30:54] <martyb> silent truncation on nickname is *39* characters, not 20.
[00:31:27] <martyb> I can't change it (seem to lack write access), can you please correct it?
[00:31:44] <martyb> if you look down further where I originally reported it, it states 39 characters, as well.
[00:32:22] <martyb> I know you've been wicked busy, so no biggee. Just want to make sure it doesn't get ummm over-fixed, yanoo?
[00:32:38] <paulej72> martyb: it is mentioned further down on the bug, but count the number of characters in those name and you will see it is 20. I think different parts of the code have different numbers
[00:33:11] <martyb> paulej72: Huh? Let me take another look.
[00:33:34] <audioguy> paul - You might try just deleting the duplicate copies of the firhose.ccc in databse table css first.
[00:34:05] <paulej72> audioguy: that will not fix the bad css in firehose.css
[00:34:57] <paulej72> do you want to try that on slashcott. also is the db on the dev vm the same as slashcott?
[00:34:58] <audioguy> No, probably not.
[00:35:42] <audioguy> I don't know, but slashcott is a good place to try it if thngs are going to break ;-)
[00:36:18] <audioguy> I thought this was tried once befroe with bad results, actually.
[00:36:35] <audioguy> Maybe things have changed now.
[00:37:50] <audioguy> There was code in the other css that depended upon the firhose css, but maybe youhave fixed those dependencies?
[00:37:55] <paulej72> I am not aware that was tried
[00:38:12] <paulej72> I can't find the db in vm
[00:38:46] <audioguy> A while back, I thought NCommander tried it. But give it a shot, can't hurt. Maybe you have fixed the other problems by now.
[00:39:21] <paulej72> are the entries in the table identical?
[00:39:29] <audioguy> It normally lives in usr/lib
[00:39:33] <martyb> paulej72: Please accept my appologies! I can't seem to count!!!
[00:40:22] <martyb> paulej72: looks like it *is* 20 characters.
[00:40:27] <paulej72> martyb: thats OK, you probably had double vision at the time: either too tired or too much of the drink
[00:40:27] <audioguy> You mean the entries for firehose.css in table css? Don't know, can find out quickly though, I think...
[00:41:13] <audioguy> "/var/lib, not /usr"
[00:41:18] <paulej72> when I run mysql in on the db, there is only information_schema and test
[00:41:35] <paulej72> on the VM i mean
[00:41:49] <martyb> paulej72: thanks for your understanding. it's the tired, I'm sure.
[00:41:50] <martyb> later all!
[00:42:21] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503c4@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has parted #dev
[00:46:57] <mattie_p> paulej72 according to what I heard, the db on dev vm is a fresh, out-of-the-box slash install
[00:47:14] <mattie_p> I believe I got that info from NCommander
[00:47:18] <paulej72> but where is it?
[00:47:29] <audioguy> Try this: mysqldump altslashdot css
[00:47:40] <mattie_p> dunno - haven't tried it myself
[00:47:50] <mattie_p> perl isn't my special snowflake ability
[00:48:10] <audioguy> look in /var/lib/mysql. Youhave to use the right database name. I don;t know whatthat is for you, but it shiould be there
[00:48:38] <audioguy> ls /var/lib/mysql
[00:48:39] <paulej72> found it, I forgot i was slash, had to log into mysql as root
[00:48:57] <audioguy> yes, root works ;-)
[00:49:54] <audioguy> on slashcoot, the database name is altslashdot, so you need to check and don't assume it makes sense. ;-)
[00:50:23] <paulej72> on vm it slashdev
[00:50:45] <audioguy> How about that! Consistency, we need none of THAT!
[00:52:25] -!- Preston has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[00:52:29] <audioguy> I need to finish my sql on slash cribsheet to make this easier.
[01:00:02] <paulej72> audioguy: there are two lines with firehose.css as the file and users as the page.
[01:01:09] <paulej72> my my mysql command line stuff is rather rusty do think you could whip up a command to delete the second one
[01:02:12] <NCommander> paulej72, mysql -u root
[01:02:21] <audioguy> So is mine...;-)
[01:02:24] <paulej72> NCommander: got that
[01:02:51] <paulej72> audioguy: the table is numbered on cdid so I can delete on that
[01:03:54] <audioguy> I actually have no experience with mysql specifically, but ... http://dev.mysql.com ;-)
[01:04:45] <audioguy> I don't actually remember the command to dlete...
[01:05:28] <audioguy> I was working on a crib sheet when a palace coup interrupted.
[01:06:09] <audioguy> And now I am itently focues on finding a certain hook in the code to solve the htacces not working problem.
[01:06:15] FoobarBazbot is now known as FoobarBazbot|afk
[01:06:17] <paulej72> audioguy: I killed it on the dev vm, doing a deploy to see if it returns.
[01:06:51] <audioguy> Well, tht's progress. Soon wil be ablt to invent a light bulb. ;-)
[01:07:12] <paulej72> good it does not come back with a redeploy
[01:07:32] <audioguy> Meaning?
[01:07:32] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[01:07:36] <paulej72> that means that redeploying slash does not update the database
[01:07:51] <audioguy> Ah, thought so.
[01:08:12] <audioguy> That is maybe why there is an update db function in slash/bin
[01:08:17] <paulej72> yes so slashcott is definitely got some database stuff missing
[01:09:03] <paulej72> the issue is NCommander does not yet have the db updates in the repo
[01:09:23] <audioguy> I don't see what that cannot be updated, provided we save certian tables and reload them. That was on my todo list, but right now do not want to do that, as this other problem is more important.
[01:10:01] <audioguy> And neither of use have access to real slash site, so cannot grab them,. If you become an overlord you should get access ;-)
[01:10:02] <NCommander> paulej72, I do. look at db/mysql/upgrades
[01:10:09] <NCommander> paulej72, there's no automatic update infrastructure
[01:10:59] <paulej72> NCommander: about being the point man for dev. I am willing to do it if audioguy will be my right hand man
[01:11:36] <audioguy> negotiate for full access to eveythiing, paul, this is the time to do that.
[01:11:46] <NCommander> paulej72, just remember that audioguy works with you, and you work with me
[01:11:59] <paulej72> Yes I am fine with that
[01:12:16] * NCommander formally activates the dev unit, and gives paulej72 his badge of office
[01:12:23] <audioguy> What NC, worried about a coup? ;-)
[01:12:28] <paulej72> NCommander: I still consider you head catherder for dev
[01:12:52] <NCommander> paulej72, I'm going to have a writeup on specifically how we're going to operate in depth. I've been slightly tied up making the editorial team cry
[01:13:12] <audioguy> NC is practical head by virtue of knowlege until we get someone who really knows perl who can 'own' the code.
[01:13:12] <paulej72> OK that is a bit more important
[01:14:04] -!- Preston [Preston!~Preston@k-833-71-669-605.hsd0.ky.comcast.net] has joined #dev
[01:15:13] <NCommander> paulej72 is effectively handling the day to day operations for me which is huge. I'll hash out what our short/medium/long term goals towards slash will be, and work w/ him to find volunteers to, as they say, get 'er done
[01:16:26] <audioguy> I am happy to wokr with paulj in any capacity
[01:17:22] <paulej72> NCommander: I'll need to get access to the production boxes and probably owner access to the GitHub repo. no rush as I really do not want to jump into pushing to production just yet
[01:17:22] <audioguy> Are all the dv team on the mailing list?
[01:17:36] <NCommander> audioguy, I think so.
[01:17:49] <audioguy> Good, important.
[01:19:24] <audioguy> Most pressing needs for me as to dev team:
[01:19:41] <audioguy> Have written somewhere who is working on what.
[01:20:04] <audioguy> Have written somewhere what peoples skills are.
[01:20:55] -!- arti has quit [Quit: As a designer, I hide information from you.]
[01:21:07] <audioguy> WE are all trying to figure this mess out, so sharing info needs to be especially good.
[01:23:01] -!- Preston has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[01:23:27] -!- Preston [Preston!~Preston@k-833-71-669-605.hsd0.ky.comcast.net] has joined #dev
[01:25:33] <audioguy> I am out to the store to get some more programming juice
[01:25:51] audioguy is now known as audioguyafk
[01:25:52] <stderr> audioguy: What kind?
[01:26:16] <audioguyafk> Coffeee. You need some too ? ;-)
[01:26:48] <audioguyafk> gone...
[01:57:00] -!- arti [arti!~arti@76.91.rir.gzz] has joined #dev
[02:00:23] -!- martyb [martyb!~a6b503d6@Soylent/Volunteer/martyb] has joined #dev
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[03:07:42] -!- paulej72 [paulej72!~paulej72@Soylent/Staff/Developer/paulej72] has joined #dev
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[08:51:30] <arti> !current-uid
[08:51:30] <Leela> The current maximum UID is 3678, owned by ashkulz
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[16:21:52] <mrcoolbp> what's up everyone?
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[17:07:53] <VitaminR> hey mrcoolbp
[17:08:15] <mrcoolbp> How goes it VitaminR?
[17:08:31] <VitaminR> quite well
[17:08:33] <VitaminR> thanks :)
[17:10:07] <mrcoolbp> have you been able to talk to any devs?
[17:25:24] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_afk
[17:26:34] <VitaminR> Just superficially
[17:26:41] <VitaminR> I haven't been at home recently much
[17:27:05] <mrcoolbp> let me know if I can help, you know how to find me
[17:27:13] <VitaminR> thanks :)
[17:37:35] <mrcoolbp> my pleasure sir
[17:37:44] <mrcoolbp> any thoughts on the site?
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[18:23:58] martyb_afk is now known as martyb
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[19:21:49] paulej72_afk is now known as paulej72
[19:24:18] <paulej72> VitaminR: Please have a look a wiki.soylentnews.org/wiki/index.php/Development. I am hoping to put up some more information soon abut volunteering.
[19:38:14] audioguyzzz is now known as audioguy
[19:46:28] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #dev
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[20:37:05] <paulej72> .topic The channel for all your development needs | Learn more about us and volunteering at http://sylnt.us | BUGS ---> http://sylnt.us | SlashDev VM torrent @ http://torrents.soylentnews.org | SlashDev VM Instructions http://sylnt.us
[20:37:19] -!- mode/#dev [+o paulej72] by ChanServ
[20:37:32] <paulej72> .topic The channel for all your development needs | Learn more about us and volunteering at http://sylnt.us | BUGS ---> http://sylnt.us | SlashDev VM torrent @ http://torrents.soylentnews.org | SlashDev VM Instructions http://sylnt.us
[20:37:42] paulej72 changed topic of #dev to: The channel for all your development needs | Learn more about us and volunteering at http://sylnt.us | BUGS ---> http://sylnt.us | SlashDev VM torrent @ http://torrents.soylentnews.org | SlashDev VM Instructions http://sylnt.us
[20:38:30] paulej72 changed topic of #dev to: The channel for all your development needs | Learn more about the dev team and how to volunteer at http://sylnt.us | BUGS ---> http://sylnt.us | SlashDev VM torrent @ http://torrents.soylentnews.org | SlashDev VM Instructions http://sylnt.us
[20:40:58] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_afk
[21:16:39] <VitaminR> paulej72_afk: thank you
[21:17:36] <VitaminR> paulej72_afk: my apologies, I'm afk'ing now
[22:09:12] <paulej72_afk> New developers wiki page with updated information: http://sylnt.us Please have a look.
[22:18:29] FoobarBazbot|afk is now known as FoobarBazbot
[22:20:15] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #dev
[22:24:06] paulej72_afk is now known as paulej72
[22:28:48] MrBluze|zzz is now known as MrBluze
[23:19:11] Leela is now known as Juggalo
[23:41:14] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
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