#civ | Logs for 2015-08-22

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[00:21:20] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[00:22:07] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:26:14] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[00:26:15] -!- mode/#civ [+v crutchy] by mrjuggsteehee
[00:28:52] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #civ
[02:20:22] <crutchy> ~civ init
[02:20:24] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[02:20:25] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[02:20:25] <exec> player "crutchy" has been initialized
[02:30:53] <crutchy> ~civ status
[02:30:56] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[02:30:57] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[02:32:09] <crutchy> ~civ status
[02:32:12] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[02:32:13] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[02:36:34] <crutchy> ~civ status
[02:36:36] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[02:36:36] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[04:36:01] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:36:37] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:37:25] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:40:38] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:42:06] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:43:24] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:44:24] <crutchy> ~killall
[04:44:32] <exec> terminated pid 28774: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' 'status' '#civ' '1440203316.3842' '~civ' 'PRIVMSG'
[04:44:33] <exec> terminated pid 28974: php scripts/activity.php 'exec' 'event-privmsg Ethanol-fueled #Soylent Well, if you'\''ve ever had a wing-seat, you can see the wing actually flap. Pretty awesome. ' '' '1440203316.3842' '~activity' 'INTERNAL'
[04:44:33] <exec> terminated pid 29021: php scripts/soon.php '~killall' '#civ' 'crutchy' 'INTERNAL'
[04:44:34] <exec> terminated pid 29024: php scripts/title.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '~title-internal' '#civ' 'crutchy'
[04:44:35] <exec> terminated pid 29029: php scripts/wiki.php '~killall' '#civ' 'crutchy' '~wiki-privmsg'
[04:44:36] <exec> terminated pid 29033: php scripts/privmsg.php '~killall' 'crutchy' '#civ'
[04:44:36] <exec> terminated pid 29037: php scripts/scripting.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '1440203316.3842' '~x' 'INTERNAL' ':exec INTERNAL :~x event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440218670.0916'
[04:44:37] <exec> terminated pid 29041: php scripts/forward.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '~forward' 'INTERNAL'
[04:44:38] <exec> terminated pid 29045: php scripts/activity.php 'exec' 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440203316.3842' '~activity' 'INTERNAL'
[04:47:10] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:47:12] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[04:47:13] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[04:47:37] <crutchy> ~part #soylent
[04:48:02] <crutchy> need some quit in the terminal
[04:48:06] <crutchy> *quiet
[04:51:02] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:51:57] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:52:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[04:52:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[04:54:06] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:54:08] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[04:54:08] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[04:56:06] <crutchy> ~civ status
[04:56:09] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[04:56:09] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:11:40] <crutchy> ~civ status
[05:11:42] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:11:43] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:13:30] <crutchy> ~civ status
[05:13:33] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:13:33] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:13:57] <crutchy> ~civ status
[05:14:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:14:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:14:36] <crutchy> ~civ status
[05:14:38] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:14:39] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:27:27] <crutchy> ~civ unflag grid
[05:27:28] <exec> flag "grid" unset for player "crutchy"
[05:29:30] <crutchy> ~civ status
[05:29:32] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:29:33] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:30:02] <crutchy> ~lock ~civ
[05:30:02] <exec> alias "~civ" locked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[05:30:09] <crutchy> unflag coords
[05:30:10] <exec> flag "coords" unset for player "crutchy"
[05:30:24] <crutchy> status
[05:30:26] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:30:27] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:35:11] <crutchy> status
[05:35:13] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:35:13] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:36:00] <crutchy> flag grid
[05:36:01] <exec> flag "grid" set for player "crutchy"
[05:36:05] <crutchy> status
[05:36:08] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:36:08] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (106,50)
[05:37:15] <crutchy> init
[05:37:16] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:37:17] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (77,10)
[05:37:17] <exec> player "crutchy" has been initialized
[05:37:58] <crutchy> r
[05:38:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler right from (77,10) to (78,10)
[05:38:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:38:00] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,10)
[05:38:09] <crutchy> u
[05:38:11] <exec> #civ crutchy => successfully moved warrior up from (77,10) to (77,9)
[05:38:11] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:38:11] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (78,10)
[05:38:40] <crutchy> b butt town
[05:38:43] <exec> #civ crutchy => successfully established the new city of "butt town" at coordinates (78,10)
[05:38:43] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[05:38:43] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,9)
[07:01:15] mrjuggsteehee is now known as spankr
[13:40:26] <crutchy> init-ai
[13:40:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:40:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (16,7)
[13:45:55] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:46:26] <crutchy> ~killall
[13:46:28] <exec> terminated pid 12466: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~soon ~killall' '#civ' '1440203316.3842' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[13:46:28] <exec> terminated pid 12470: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~title-internal event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '#civ' '1440203316.3842' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[13:46:28] <exec> terminated pid 12474: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~wiki-privmsg ~killall' '#civ' '1440203316.3842' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[13:46:28] <exec> terminated pid 12479: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~privmsg-internal ~killall' '#civ' '1440203316.3842' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[13:46:29] <exec> terminated pid 12483: php scripts/scripting.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '1440203316.3842' '~x' 'INTERNAL' ':exec INTERNAL :~x event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440251186.9917'
[13:46:30] <exec> terminated pid 12489: php scripts/forward.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '~forward' 'INTERNAL'
[13:46:30] <exec> terminated pid 12494: php scripts/activity.php 'exec' 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440203316.3842' '~activity' 'INTERNAL'
[13:47:08] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:47:09] <exec> player "AI_Player_1" not found
[13:47:22] <crutchy> init-ai
[13:47:24] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:47:24] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (90,24)
[13:47:28] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:47:30] <exec> player "AI_Player_1" not found
[13:48:20] <crutchy> init-ai
[13:48:22] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:48:22] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (89,38)
[13:48:27] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:48:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler left from (89,38) to (88,38)
[13:48:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[13:48:41] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:48:42] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (89,38)
[13:49:19] <crutchy> status
[13:49:22] <exec> #civ crutchy => player "AI_Player_1" moved a unit within your field of vision
[13:49:22] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:49:22] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,9)
[13:50:00] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:50:08] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior left from (89,38) to (88,38)
[13:50:09] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[13:50:10] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[13:50:11] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (88,38)
[13:53:42] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:55:45] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:55:46] <exec> player AI_Player_1 has no active unit
[13:57:28] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:57:29] <exec> player AI_Player_1 has no active unit
[13:58:13] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:58:18] <exec> player AI_Player_1 has no active unit
[13:59:10] <crutchy> test-ai
[13:59:11] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[13:59:11] <exec> no path exists
[13:59:59] <crutchy> bugger
[14:00:05] <crutchy> init-ai
[14:00:07] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:00:08] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (93,20)
[14:00:18] <crutchy> status
[14:00:21] <exec> #civ crutchy => player "AI_Player_1" moved a unit within your field of vision
[14:00:21] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:00:21] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,9)
[14:00:53] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:00:55] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler down from (93,20) to (93,21)
[14:00:56] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:00:57] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:00:58] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (93,20)
[14:01:08] <crutchy> yay!
[14:01:11] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:01:14] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior down from (93,20) to (93,21)
[14:01:15] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:01:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:01:17] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (93,21)
[14:01:27] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:01:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => move down failed for active unit (already @ edge of landmass)
[14:01:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (93,21)
[14:01:43] <crutchy> dammit. i think the direction is arse about :/
[14:04:14] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:04:20] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (93,21) to (93,20)
[14:04:21] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:04:22] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:04:23] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (93,21)
[14:04:32] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:04:35] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (93,21) to (93,20)
[14:04:36] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:04:37] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:04:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (93,20)
[14:04:47] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:04:49] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (93,20) to (93,19)
[14:04:50] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:04:50] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:04:51] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (93,20)
[14:16:23] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:16:25] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (93,20) to (93,19)
[14:16:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:16:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:16:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (93,19)
[14:16:36] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:16:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler right from (93,19) to (94,19)
[14:16:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:16:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:16:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (93,19)
[14:16:51] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:16:53] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior right from (93,19) to (94,19)
[14:16:53] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:16:53] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:16:54] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (94,19)
[14:16:59] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:17:01] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (94,19) to (94,18)
[14:17:02] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:17:02] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:17:03] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (94,19)
[14:17:14] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:17:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (94,19) to (94,18)
[14:17:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:17:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:17:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (94,18)
[14:17:23] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:17:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler right from (94,18) to (95,18)
[14:17:27] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:17:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:17:29] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (94,18)
[14:21:28] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:21:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior right from (94,18) to (95,18)
[14:21:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:21:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:21:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (95,18)
[14:21:38] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:21:41] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (95,18) to (95,17)
[14:21:42] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:21:43] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:21:44] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,18)
[14:21:50] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:21:53] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (95,18) to (95,17)
[14:21:53] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:21:54] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:21:55] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (95,17)
[14:22:01] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:22:04] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (95,17) to (95,16)
[14:22:04] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:22:05] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:22:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,17)
[14:22:46] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:22:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (95,17) to (95,16)
[14:22:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:22:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:22:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (95,16)
[14:23:04] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:23:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (95,16) to (95,15)
[14:23:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:23:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:23:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,16)
[14:23:12] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:23:15] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (95,16) to (95,15)
[14:23:15] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:23:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:23:17] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (95,15)
[14:23:22] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:23:25] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler right from (95,15) to (96,15)
[14:23:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:23:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:23:27] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,15)
[14:23:45] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:23:47] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior right from (95,15) to (96,15)
[14:23:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:23:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:23:48] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,15)
[14:25:33] <crutchy> status
[14:25:36] <exec> #civ crutchy => player "AI_Player_1" moved a unit within your field of vision
[14:25:36] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:25:36] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,9)
[14:31:28] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:31:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler down from (96,15) to (96,16)
[14:31:31] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:31:31] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:31:31] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (96,15)
[14:32:36] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:32:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior down from (96,15) to (96,16)
[14:32:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:32:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:32:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,16)
[14:34:16] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:34:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler down from (96,16) to (96,17)
[14:34:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:34:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:34:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (96,16)
[14:36:17] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:36:19] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (96,16) to (96,15)
[14:36:19] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:36:20] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:36:21] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,17)
[14:36:31] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:36:33] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (96,17) to (96,16)
[14:36:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:36:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:36:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (96,15)
[14:36:41] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:36:44] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior left from (96,15) to (95,15)
[14:36:45] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:36:45] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:36:46] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,16)
[14:36:53] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:36:55] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (96,16) to (96,15)
[14:36:56] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:36:57] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:36:58] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,15)
[14:37:03] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:37:05] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior left from (95,15) to (94,15)
[14:37:06] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:37:07] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:37:08] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,15)
[14:37:12] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:37:16] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler left from (96,15) to (95,15)
[14:37:17] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:37:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:37:18] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (94,15)
[14:37:23] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:37:26] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (94,15) to (94,14)
[14:37:27] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:37:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:37:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (95,15)
[14:38:10] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:38:13] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler left from (95,15) to (94,15)
[14:38:13] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:38:13] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:38:13] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (94,14)
[14:48:31] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:48:33] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved warrior up from (94,14) to (94,13)
[14:48:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:48:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:48:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (94,15)
[14:49:37] <crutchy> test-ai
[14:49:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => successfully moved settler up from (94,15) to (94,14)
[14:49:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[14:49:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:49:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 1/2, warrior, +100, (94,13)
[14:49:52] <crutchy> status
[14:49:55] <exec> #civ crutchy => player "AI_Player_1" moved a unit within your field of vision
[14:49:55] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[14:49:55] <exec> #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (77,9)