#civ | Logs for 2014-06-04

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[00:23:36] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[09:30:29] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[09:30:29] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[09:30:33] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[09:30:33] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[09:30:41] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[09:30:45] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[09:30:46] <exec> IRCiv: #civ arti => http://irciv.port119.net
[09:30:46] <exec> IRCiv: #civ arti => 0/2, settler, +100, (19,41)
[09:30:46] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "arti"
[09:36:30] <chromas> What about Loggie?
[09:55:56] <crutchy> loggie not identified with nickserv
[09:57:37] <chromas> ah
[10:21:05] -!- exec has quit [Excess Flood]
[10:22:27] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[10:22:27] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[10:22:36] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[10:22:37] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[10:22:38] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[10:23:10] <chromas> I had monopoly doing that last night
[10:23:37] <chromas> outputting long fortunes and ls output
[10:24:19] <crutchy> cool
[10:24:32] <crutchy> :-)
[10:24:43] <chromas> the excess flood part
[10:24:48] <crutchy> just make sure you put your password file in a different spot :-P
[10:25:20] <crutchy> i only had 0.1 sec between lines in that bsod script
[10:25:33] <crutchy> changed to 0.2 sec
[10:25:34] <chromas> Would be cool if it could adjust as it goes
[10:25:50] <chromas> so two or three lines are instant, then it starts slowing down. Sounds like work, though
[10:25:58] <chromas> /sort so two or three lines are instant, then it starts slowing down. Sounds like work, though
[10:26:05] <chromas> oh
[10:26:17] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #civ
[10:26:21] <chromas> /sort so two or three lines are instant, then it starts slowing down. Sounds like work, though
[10:26:22] <monopoly> are down. instant, it like lines or slowing so Sounds starts then though three two work,
[10:27:46] <crutchy> lol wow
[10:28:19] <chromas> /rsort Not very useful though :)
[10:28:19] <monopoly> very useful though Not :)
[10:28:34] <crutchy> i could just add an increment to bsod no probs
[10:28:40] <crutchy> nah its good
[10:28:46] <crutchy> proof of concept stuff :-)
[10:28:54] <chromas> Or you could have a slowsay function
[10:29:47] <chromas> Then you can pass whatever string and have the delay code all in one place
[10:29:55] * chromas doesn't recall where the delay is in exec
[10:30:00] * chromas is peeking
[10:30:05] <crutchy> ~con/con
[10:30:05] <exec> 00,12
[10:30:05] <exec> 00,12 12,00 Soylent 00,12
[10:30:05] <exec> 00,12
[10:30:06] <exec> 00,12 A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 0028:C0011E36 in VXD VMM(01) +
[10:30:06] <exec> 00,12 00010E36. The current application will be terminated.
[10:30:07] <exec> 00,12
[10:30:08] <exec> 00,12 * Press any key to terminate the current application.
[10:30:09] <exec> 00,12 * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to restart your computer. You will
[10:30:10] <exec> 00,12 lose any unsaved information in all applications.
[10:30:11] <exec> 00,12
[10:30:12] <exec> 00,12 Press any key to continue _
[10:30:13] <exec> 00,12
[10:30:45] <crutchy> there was an incrementing delay in that, but it came out so jittery here that i didn't notice
[10:34:58] <crutchy> ~reload
[10:35:00] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[10:35:06] <chromas> /r oom
[10:35:06] <monopoly> moo
[10:35:14] <chromas> /r oom~
[10:35:14] <monopoly> ~moo
[10:35:15] <exec> (__)
[10:35:16] <exec> (oo)
[10:35:16] <exec> /------\/
[10:35:17] <exec> / | ||
[10:35:18] <exec> * /\---/\
[10:35:19] <exec> ~~ ~~
[10:35:20] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[10:35:50] <crutchy> /r q~
[10:35:51] <monopoly> ~q
[10:36:07] <chromas> I wonder if the IRC server indicates its flood protection info, like if you could set the delay by it
[10:36:25] <chromas> you can also /e if you don't want to reverse it :)
[10:36:39] <crutchy> dunno. my interwebs seem pretty slow today anyway
[10:36:42] <chromas> /e 8008135
[10:36:42] <monopoly> 8008135
[10:36:55] <crutchy> /e people who like icecream!
[10:36:55] <monopoly> people who like icecream!
[10:37:09] <crutchy> /e ls
[10:37:09] <monopoly> ls
[10:37:20] <crutchy> /e cat passwords
[10:37:20] <chromas> Maybe it's because the ircd is in amurika
[10:37:20] <monopoly> cat passwords
[10:37:23] <crutchy> :-P
[10:37:30] <chromas> and it's been binging on mcdonald's fries
[10:37:33] <chromas> haha
[10:37:36] <crutchy> i thought it was in germany
[10:37:40] <chromas> The shell stuff's disabled
[10:37:42] <chromas> oh maybe
[10:37:52] <crutchy> either way is halfway around the world from me
[10:38:01] <chromas> That means it should be impervious to banking shennanigans
[10:38:27] <chromas> /fortune-o still works
[10:38:27] <monopoly> There once was a lady named Clair,
[10:38:28] <monopoly> Who posessed a magnificent pair.
[10:38:28] <monopoly> Or that's what I thought,
[10:38:28] <monopoly> Till I saw one get caught,
[10:38:28] <monopoly> On a thorn and begin losing air.
[10:38:30] <crutchy> /e bank wank skank
[10:38:30] <monopoly> bank wank skank
[10:38:40] <crutchy> cool
[10:38:50] <chromas> and doesn't necessarily have flood protection
[10:38:50] <crutchy> using an alias too :-)
[10:39:14] <crutchy> exec has only very basic abuse protection
[10:39:30] <crutchy> your bot has super pascal powers
[10:39:44] <chromas> Nah this is still kvirc
[10:39:50] <chromas> so it's like if xchat could run scripts
[10:39:53] <chromas> or maybe it can
[10:40:06] <crutchy> i think it can, but i don't know how to make it work
[10:40:07] * chromas has been slacking in the pascal department
[10:40:37] <chromas> /do eats nuts
[10:40:37] * monopoly eats nuts
[10:40:50] <crutchy> lol
[10:41:04] <crutchy> that could sooo be abused :-P
[10:41:22] <crutchy> though not without abusing myself first i guess
[10:41:35] <chromas> /rdo stset
[10:41:35] * monopoly tests
[10:41:44] <chromas> there now you can be semi-secretive
[10:41:52] <crutchy> ooh
[10:42:28] <chromas> hehe, I should add sed in case both exec and sedbot are offline :D
[10:42:42] <crutchy> i turned the #* feed back on cos i'm not sure #exec is displaying everything i thought it was
[10:42:43] <chromas> or put them in a channel and sed each other
[10:42:50] <crutchy> you should
[10:42:52] <crutchy> lol
[10:43:08] <chromas> s/o/x
[10:43:09] <exec> chromas: xr put them in a channel and sed each other
[10:43:13] <chromas> s/o/x/
[10:43:13] <exec> chromas: s/x/x
[10:43:18] <crutchy> you know what they say... sed sells
[10:43:25] <chromas> ooh it doesn't taunt when I'm missing a /
[10:43:45] <crutchy> nah it just borks
[10:43:46] <chromas> crutchy: s/d /cks /
[10:43:47] <crutchy> hmm
[10:43:53] <chromas> oops I took too long
[10:44:18] <crutchy> se.cx
[10:44:33] <chromas> /e you know what they say... sed sells
[10:44:33] <monopoly> you know what they say... sed sells
[10:44:39] <chromas> monopoly: s/d /cks /
[10:44:40] <exec> monopoly: you know what they say... secks sells
[10:45:34] <chromas> x
[10:45:48] <chromas> s/x/\/e boobs/
[10:45:49] <crutchy> it supports /g too
[10:45:49] <exec> chromas: /e boobs
[10:46:02] <chromas> oh yeah I guess it won't work with the name
[10:46:32] <crutchy> wow did that last one work?
[10:46:38] <chromas> s/ /( OYO )/g
[10:46:38] <exec> chromas: oh( OYO )yeah( OYO )I( OYO )guess( OYO )it( OYO )won't( OYO )work( OYO )with( OYO )the( OYO )name
[10:46:39] <crutchy> with the escaped slash
[10:46:47] <chromas> Yes sir, it did
[10:46:48] <chromas> cool
[10:47:11] <chromas> s/l/\\/g
[10:47:11] <exec> chromas: coo\\
[10:47:23] <chromas> s/l/\/g
[10:47:23] <exec> chromas: s/\/\\/g
[10:47:49] <crutchy> exec: s/\/\//.
[10:47:49] <exec> last message by "exec" not found
[10:47:54] <crutchy> doh
[10:48:05] <chromas> hah, just like SedBot
[10:48:17] <chromas> "I didn't say nuthin'!"
[10:49:37] * crutchy test
[10:50:36] <chromas> Oh yeah, I still have the code for the trollbot function sitting around. It's broken but here's a sample
[10:50:39] <monopoly> Ubuntu touched me as a child. Ever since then, I've only been able to use gentoo
[10:51:39] <crutchy> lol
[10:52:03] <crutchy> would have to be pretty good to trump ciri :-P
[10:52:40] <monopoly> My mom died from cancer last year. When I was going through her things, I found out she had been using Bing. Now I stay away from Bing because I don't want cancer. Altavista for me, thanks.
[10:53:16] <chromas> Ooh, I should whip up a ciri-trumping exec script
[10:53:50] <chromas> So I just include your lib.php and that gets ne wget(), right?
[10:53:54] <crutchy> oh that sucks. sorry to hear about your mom.
[10:54:04] <crutchy> oh yeah
[10:54:14] <crutchy> and a bunch of other stuff
[10:54:15] <chromas> That was a trollbot output
[10:54:25] <crutchy> lol oh
[10:54:34] <crutchy> phew
[10:55:59] <chromas> Picks a row from an array of strings with comma-separated words, then picks two words (to keep them related)
[11:30:10] <chromas> I must be using it wrong
[11:30:19] <chromas> Failed to parse address "google.com"
[11:32:36] <chromas> ah; forgot the port
[11:40:29] <crutchy>
[11:45:01] <chromas> Oh, symbols
[11:45:37] <chromas>
[11:57:18] <crutchy> ╔══════════╗
[11:57:18] <crutchy> ║ ║
[11:57:19] <crutchy> ║ ║
[11:57:19] <crutchy> ╚══════════╝
[11:59:45] <crutchy> ╲ ╱╲ ╱╲ ╱
[11:59:45] <crutchy> ╳ ╳ ╳
[11:59:45] <crutchy> ╱ ╲╱ ╲╱ ╲
[12:01:17] -!- teste [teste!~toobee@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #civ
[12:01:56] <teste> Oh I didn't set the username, oh well. Need a client with monospace font to properly enjoy the arts
[12:08:02] <crutchy> ┏┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┳┓
[12:08:02] <crutchy> ┣╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┫
[12:08:02] <crutchy> ┣╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┫
[12:08:02] <crutchy> ┣╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┫
[12:08:02] <crutchy> ┣╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋╋┫
[12:08:03] <crutchy> ┗┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┛
[12:09:00] <teste> crutchy s/┻/x/g
[12:09:01] <exec> crutchy: ┗xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx┛
[12:11:33] <crutchy> ~monitor
[12:11:34] <exec> exec incoming data monitor enabled
[12:12:38] <chromas> Hey now we can play Tic Tac Toe
[12:13:16] <crutchy> i was thinking of making naughts and crosses game
[12:13:22] <crutchy> but just with letters
[12:13:25] <crutchy> XXX
[12:13:27] <crutchy> 0X0
[12:13:29] <crutchy> 000
[12:13:35] <chromas> I like that first one
[12:13:40] <chromas> XXX++
[12:13:44] <crutchy> lol
[12:15:52] <crutchy> should bring back that karma thingy that i made a while back as an exec script
[12:16:25] <crutchy> do a similar thing to sed... enable wherever there's no Bender
[12:16:58] <crutchy> or deadpork
[12:17:59] <crutchy> ~civ status
[12:18:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[12:18:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,5)
[12:18:14] <chromas> Sure
[12:18:29] <chromas> I wonder if there's a way to import/export karma so you don't have to start over
[12:18:39] <chromas> Maybe there's a Bender API
[12:18:55] <chromas> ShinyMetalAss.bite();
[12:19:03] <crutchy> exec can read bender karma
[12:22:53] <chromas> One problem is it's per channel, so you'll have to spam each channel for all the karmas you need
[12:23:27] <chromas> Or you can just make it up :) Karma — Coffe: 65535
[12:23:31] <crutchy> yeah i was just thinking of that. don't really wanna do
[12:23:41] <crutchy> or can scrape the logs i guess
[12:24:15] <chromas> Good idea. Then you can monitor for new Bender karmas and adjust
[12:24:40] <chromas> Although I guess the new karma would be lost when Bender returns
[12:44:20] <teste> crutchy s/┻/x/g
[12:44:20] <exec> crutchy: or can scrape the logs i guess
[12:44:32] <chromas> oops; wrong term :-D
[12:48:46] <crutchy> ~lock ~civ
[12:48:46] <exec> alias "~civ" locked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[12:48:55] <crutchy> flag grid
[12:48:56] <exec> IRCiv: flag "grid" set for player "crutchy"
[12:49:00] <crutchy> flag coords
[12:49:00] <exec> IRCiv: flag "coords" set for player "crutchy"
[12:49:06] <crutchy> status
[12:49:07] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[12:49:07] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,5)
[12:54:36] <crutchy> ~unlock
[12:54:37] <exec> alias "~civ" unlocked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[12:54:46] <crutchy> ~civ-admin edit-object
[12:55:07] <crutchy> ~civ-admin object-edit
[12:55:09] <exec> IRCiv: syntax: [~civ] object-edit nick object index key value (value can be omitted to set empty string, and value of <unset> unsets key)
[12:56:19] <crutchy> ~civ-admin object-edit
[12:56:21] <exec> IRCiv: syntax: [~civ] object-edit nick array index key value (value can be omitted to set empty string, and value of <unset> unsets key)
[12:56:45] <crutchy> ~civ-admin object-edit chromas units 0 x 78
[12:56:49] <exec> IRCiv: key "x" set with value "78" for player "chromas"
[12:57:15] <crutchy> ~civ-admin object-edit chromas units 0 y 4
[12:57:19] <exec> IRCiv: key "y" set with value "4" for player "chromas"
[12:57:29] <crutchy> ~civ u
[12:57:30] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved warrior up from (80,5) to (80,4)
[12:57:31] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[12:57:31] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (80,4)
[12:57:49] <crutchy> hehe i moved your warrrior :-P
[12:58:07] <crutchy> though i thought it would have indicated you in vision
[12:58:10] <crutchy> ~civ u
[12:58:12] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (80,4) to (80,3)
[12:58:12] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[12:58:12] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,4)
[13:19:24] <crutchy> ~civ-admin move-unit
[13:19:26] <exec> IRCiv: syntax: [~civ] move-unit nick index x y
[13:19:47] <crutchy> ~civ-admin move-unit chromas 0 78 4
[13:19:50] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => player "chromas" moved a unit within your field of vision
[13:19:51] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[13:19:52] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,4)
[13:22:03] <crutchy> ~civ-admin move-unit chromas 0 78 4
[13:22:07] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => player "chromas" moved a unit within your field of vision
[13:22:08] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[13:22:09] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,4)
[13:22:31] <crutchy> ~civ-admin move-unit chromas 0 74 4
[13:22:35] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => player "chromas" moved a unit within your field of vision
[13:22:36] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[13:22:37] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,4)
[14:15:32] <crutchy> ~reload
[14:15:34] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[14:15:46] -!- exec has quit [Excess Flood]
[14:16:43] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[14:16:43] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[14:16:56] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[14:16:59] -!- exec has quit [Excess Flood]
[14:17:28] <chromas> It's that channel redirection
[14:18:49] <crutchy> there were a shitload of irciv commands
[14:19:02] <crutchy> maybe i borked it
[14:19:30] <crutchy> but yeah i might turn #* off again
[16:31:24] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[16:31:24] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[16:31:36] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:31:36] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:31:37] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:31:37] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:31:37] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:31:38] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:31:38] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:31:38] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:31:39] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[16:31:39] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[16:31:40] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[16:31:40] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[16:32:18] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:32:18] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:32:52] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:32:52] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:32:58] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:35:38] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[16:35:38] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[16:35:46] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:35:47] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:35:48] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[16:35:59] <crutchy> ~monitor
[16:36:01] <exec> exec incoming data monitor enabled
[16:52:44] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:22:04] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.xwk.kkg] has joined #civ
[20:22:13] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.xwk.kkg] has parted #civ
[20:22:13] <exec> IRCiv: logout: there is no player logged in as "Anon3"
[23:35:33] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[23:35:33] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[23:35:39] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[23:37:53] <crutchy> ~q
[23:37:56] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[23:38:15] -!- crutchy has quit [Client Quit]
[23:42:58] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[23:42:58] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[23:43:06] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[23:43:07] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "arti"
[23:43:18] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[23:43:18] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[23:43:20] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[23:43:45] <crutchy> ~monitor
[23:43:46] <exec> exec incoming data monitor enabled