#civ | Logs for 2014-06-01

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[01:38:40] <chromas> arti: now we need a MrBluze bot
[01:49:17] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[01:49:17] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[01:49:23] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[01:49:25] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[02:03:20] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[03:40:19] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[03:40:20] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[03:40:25] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[03:40:27] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[03:41:03] <chromas> ~cowsay bye MrBluze :'(
[03:41:03] <exec> _________________
[03:41:04] <exec> < bye MrBluze :'( >
[03:41:04] <exec> -----------------
[03:41:04] <exec> \ ^__^
[03:41:04] <exec> \ (oo)\_______
[03:41:04] <exec> (__)\ )\/\
[03:41:05] <exec> ||----w |
[03:41:05] <exec> || ||
[03:42:14] <chromas> /echo ~say hello
[03:42:15] <monopoly> ~say hello
[03:42:22] <chromas> ~say test
[03:42:25] <chromas> ~unlock
[03:42:31] <chromas> ~lock test
[03:42:32] <exec> alias "test" locked for nick "chromas" in "#civ"
[03:42:33] <chromas> ~unlock
[03:42:34] <exec> alias "test" unlocked for nick "chromas" in "#civ"
[03:42:38] <crutchy> bug found :-D
[03:42:49] <chromas> ~say ## hi
[03:42:55] <chromas> ~say #Civ hi
[03:43:08] <chromas> ~something-override
[03:43:24] <chromas> ~dest-override #Civ
[03:43:51] <monopoly> Unauthorized. Screw you, chromas!
[03:43:59] <chromas> :)
[03:45:10] <crutchy> PHP Notice: Undefined index: alias in /nas/server/git/test/irc.php on line 445
[03:45:20] <crutchy> ~q
[03:45:23] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[03:45:29] <chromas> ~r
[03:45:54] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[03:45:55] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[03:45:59] <chromas> ~r
[03:46:01] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[03:46:02] <crutchy> almost needs its own manual now
[03:46:02] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[03:46:06] <chromas> ~say test
[03:46:08] <exec> stuff stuffity stuff stuff stuff
[03:46:13] <chromas> ~manual
[03:46:20] <chromas> ~say hoohoo
[03:46:22] <exec> stuff stuffity stuff stuff stuff
[03:46:28] <chromas> lol
[03:46:55] <crutchy> damn. didn't work
[03:47:00] <crutchy> stupid brain
[03:47:23] <crutchy> i'm trying out account lists in exec lines
[03:47:31] <crutchy> experimental atm
[03:49:42] <crutchy> pushed latest to github
[03:50:31] -!- coffee [coffee!~77120042@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[03:51:21] coffee is now known as weather
[04:15:54] <crutchy> ~php in_array
[04:15:54] <exec> bool in_array( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE] )
[04:18:02] <chromas> I should've been using that while mackey hacking
[04:28:52] <crutchy> i wish they would make the needle/haystack order consistent
[04:29:25] <chromas> There's always Python :D
[04:29:43] <chromas> or Ruby Doo
[04:33:04] <chromas> That's weird; I have the stuff I was doing in PM with exec in the history for you
[04:54:03] <crutchy> cool
[04:54:19] <crutchy> is it short enough to regurgitate here?
[04:54:31] <crutchy> or pastebin
[04:56:45] <chromas> oh what I meant was, I did testing in PM with exec but it shows up as PMs with you
[04:57:15] <chromas> My box probably got confused
[05:08:43] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[06:02:48] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[06:02:49] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[06:02:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ weather => http://irciv.port119.net
[06:02:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ weather => 0/2, settler, +100, (94,3)
[06:02:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[06:02:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "weather"
[06:02:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[06:03:37] <weather> ~say blah
[06:03:52] <chromas> Ooh, weather is bright green here
[06:04:00] <chromas> Looks good on black. But then what doesn't
[06:04:12] <chromas> ~say ~say ~say
[06:04:33] <crutchy> seems to be working
[06:04:50] <crutchy> lemme add you to the account list
[06:05:14] <crutchy> ~reload
[06:05:36] <crutchy> hmm bug there
[06:05:40] <crutchy> :-/
[06:05:42] <crutchy> ~q
[06:05:47] <crutchy> prolly wont work either
[06:05:56] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:31:03] -!- weather [weather!~77120042@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #civ
[06:31:47] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:39:04] chromas is now known as z
[06:44:52] z is now known as crutchy
[06:45:40] <crutchy> Hi, I'm crutchy! ~moo
[06:46:20] crutchy is now known as z
[06:52:27] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[06:52:27] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[07:03:12] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[07:03:12] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[07:03:23] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "z"
[07:03:24] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[07:03:24] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (68,44)
[07:03:24] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "crutchy"
[07:04:43] <z> ~civ u
[07:04:44] <exec> IRCiv: access denied: nick "z" not logged in
[07:04:53] <z> ~civ login
[07:04:53] <exec> IRCiv: access denied: nick "z" not logged in
[07:05:06] <crutchy> oh
[07:05:32] <crutchy> have i borked irciv now :-/
[07:05:59] <crutchy> ~civ u
[07:06:00] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (68,44) to (68,43)
[07:06:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[07:06:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (68,44)
[07:06:08] crutchy is now known as stuff
[07:06:08] <exec> IRCiv: player "crutchy" renamed to "stuff"
[07:06:16] <stuff> ~civ u
[07:06:18] <exec> IRCiv: #civ stuff => successfully moved warrior up from (68,44) to (68,43)
[07:06:18] <exec> IRCiv: #civ stuff => http://irciv.port119.net
[07:06:18] <exec> IRCiv: #civ stuff => 0/2, settler, +100, (68,43)
[07:06:25] stuff is now known as crutchy
[07:06:26] <exec> IRCiv: player "stuff" renamed to "crutchy"
[07:20:52] <z> ~civ u
[07:20:52] <exec> IRCiv: access denied: nick "z" not logged in
[07:20:56] z is now known as chromas
[07:20:56] <exec> IRCiv: player "z" renamed to "chromas"
[07:21:00] <chromas> ~civ u
[07:21:01] <exec> IRCiv: access denied: nick "chromas" not logged in
[07:21:07] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has parted #civ
[07:21:07] <exec> IRCiv: logout: player "chromas" logged out
[07:21:09] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #civ
[07:21:11] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[07:21:14] <chromas> ~civ u
[07:21:15] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => move up failed for active unit (already @ edge of landmass)
[07:21:15] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 0/2, settler, +100, (8,57)
[07:21:29] chromas is now known as z
[07:21:30] <exec> IRCiv: player "chromas" renamed to "z"
[07:21:31] <z> ~civ d
[07:21:33] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => successfully moved settler down from (8,57) to (8,58)
[07:21:33] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => http://irciv.port119.net
[07:21:33] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => 1/2, warrior, +100, (6,57)
[07:23:18] <crutchy> ~q
[07:23:20] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[07:23:40] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[07:23:41] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[07:23:50] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "z"
[07:23:51] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[07:24:10] <crutchy> ~bucket-list
[07:24:22] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[07:25:32] <crutchy> bleh
[07:25:34] <crutchy> ~q
[07:25:37] -!- exec has quit [Client Quit]
[07:25:55] <crutchy> 2nd times a charm
[07:25:55] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[07:25:56] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[07:26:05] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "z"
[07:26:06] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[07:26:12] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[07:26:14] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[07:26:15] <exec> bucket count: 3
[07:27:06] <z> ~reload
[07:27:08] <z> ~q
[07:27:13] <z> ~civ l
[07:27:14] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => successfully moved warrior left from (6,57) to (5,57)
[07:27:15] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => http://irciv.port119.net
[07:27:15] <exec> IRCiv: #civ z => 0/2, settler, +100, (8,58)
[07:27:20] <z> ~civ atk
[07:27:30] <crutchy> authentication failure: "chromas" attempted to run "~reload" but is not in admin account list
[07:27:33] <crutchy> :-P
[07:27:36] <z> cool
[07:27:49] <z> Now it just needs to burrito me
[07:27:57] <crutchy> lol
[07:28:00] <z> or ascii middle finger
[07:28:12] <crutchy> nah burritos are aqu4's thing
[07:28:36] <crutchy> could make a little script for something like that i guess but meh
[07:29:01] <crutchy> irciv is my burrito :-)
[07:30:10] <z> oh yeah; if I try something and fail authentication then my civilization get struck by lightning
[07:30:25] <crutchy> lol
[07:30:46] <crutchy> my comment sorta came out wrong i think :-P
[07:31:05] <z> It was backward
[07:31:08] <z> s/lol/lol/
[07:31:47] <crutchy> pity i can't invite sedbot
[07:32:15] <crutchy> i should work on exec's sed again now that i've patched the bot
[07:32:37] <z> Now I expect full sed functionality by tomorrow morning
[07:32:54] <crutchy> just need it to enable for whatever channels sedbot isn't in
[07:33:06] <z> Actually there are other commands besides s but I think it's the main one
[07:33:31] <crutchy> mkay'
[07:33:43] <crutchy> i only ever seen s but i dunno much about sed
[07:33:54] * crutchy does man sed in terminal
[07:36:03] <crutchy> could maybe add a sedbot using a shell command, but i not really sure what command should be
[07:39:04] <z> You could be dangerous and pass the string as the command when you detect it's sed-like
[07:39:22] <z> But then we could probably modify your files and stuff
[07:41:53] <crutchy> i could pass a message as a parameter to sed
[07:42:19] <z> found it
[07:42:30] <z> /msg nickserv set enforce
[07:42:40] <crutchy> ooh
[07:42:48] <z> Also /msg nickserv set enforcetime to adjust the time
[07:42:54] <z> /msg nickserv help set
[07:44:50] <crutchy> chromas, you're a legend :-D
[07:45:25] <z> Did you test it?
[07:45:38] crutchy is now known as stuff
[07:45:39] <exec> IRCiv: player "crutchy" renamed to "stuff"
[07:45:52] <stuff> have a go at being me :-P
[07:46:00] z is now known as crutchy
[07:46:00] <exec> IRCiv: player "z" renamed to "crutchy"
[07:46:05] crutchy is now known as SoyGuest30832
[07:46:05] <exec> IRCiv: player "crutchy" renamed to "SoyGuest30832"
[07:46:08] <SoyGuest30832> nice
[07:46:17] <stuff> cool
[07:46:18] SoyGuest30832 is now known as MrBluze
[07:46:19] <exec> IRCiv: error renaming player "SoyGuest30832" to "MrBluze"
[07:46:30] <MrBluze> 60 seconds
[07:46:33] <stuff> fucking irciv
[07:46:33] <MrBluze> but he's gone
[07:46:35] <MrBluze> :'(
[07:46:41] <stuff> gone for good?
[07:46:43] MrBluze is now known as chromas
[07:46:44] <exec> IRCiv: player "MrBluze" renamed to "chromas"
[07:46:57] <chromas> Yeah, he said we can find him on hotmail
[07:47:07] <stuff> oh yeah i did get that
[07:47:18] <stuff> isn't he coming back though?
[07:47:22] <chromas> Don't see him on freenode or anything
[07:47:27] * stuff is reviweing logs
[07:47:46] <chromas> He should at least come back to the special channels
[07:50:07] <stuff> we can attract him with offers of crayons :-P
[07:50:21] stuff is now known as crutchy
[07:50:22] <exec> IRCiv: player "stuff" renamed to "crutchy"
[07:52:52] <crutchy> Jun 01 05:38:37 <NCommander> Bytram, MrBluze officially left over the name
[08:58:40] <chromas> ah yeah that would be for sedscript
[11:07:22] <crutchy> s/NCommander/MCommander/
[11:07:23] <exec> crutchy: Jun 01 05:38:37 <MCommander> Bytram, MrBluze officially left over the name
[11:08:19] <chromas> exec: s/crutchy/Loggie/
[11:08:20] <exec> last message by "exec" not found
[11:08:31] <chromas> crutchy: Jun 01 05:38:37 <MCommander> Bytram, MrBluze officially left over the name
[11:08:35] <chromas> s/crutchy/Loggie/
[11:08:36] <exec> chromas: Loggie: Jun 01 05:38:37 <MCommander> Bytram, MrBluze officially left over the name
[11:09:26] <chromas> s/(.)/( . Y . )/g
[11:09:26] <exec> chromas: s/crutchy/Loggie/
[11:10:48] <crutchy> sorry still no regex
[11:11:02] <chromas> ~php regex
[11:11:03] <exec> function not found
[11:11:11] <chromas> Hm, I thought there was a function for it
[11:11:46] <chromas> ~php preg_match
[11:11:47] <exec> int preg_match( string $pattern , string $subject [, array &$matches [, int $flags = 0 [, int $offset = 0]]] )
[11:12:34] <chromas> even better
[11:12:38] <chromas> ~php preg_replace
[11:12:38] <exec> mixed preg_replace( mixed $pattern , mixed $replacement , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int &$count]] )
[11:18:08] <crutchy> hmm
[11:18:23] <crutchy> you reckon i should try preg_replace?
[11:18:56] <chromas> only if you want
[11:19:22] <chromas> It would be pretty cool but we almost never use regexes in here anyway
[11:19:46] <chromas> I barely know how to use 'em myself
[11:22:25] <chromas> So those hexstring commands; those are sent in a PM from exec to itself?
[11:22:36] <crutchy> ~reload
[11:22:38] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[11:22:59] <chromas> s/(.)/( . Y . )/g
[11:22:59] <exec> chromas: I barely know how to use 'em myself
[11:23:28] <chromas> Oh yeah; pick the embarassing line
[11:24:39] <crutchy> ~AUJ73HF839CHH2933HRJPA8N2H commands are usually sent by exec as a notice to irc (to be picked up by itself on the receiving end)
[11:24:51] <crutchy> but you can still call it manually
[11:25:19] <crutchy> they're handled in exactly the same way
[11:25:40] <chromas> ~AUJ73HF839CHH2933HRJPA8N2H boobies
[11:25:48] <crutchy> its a bit of a funky system now, but its only cos the underlying foundation is fairly flexible
[11:26:35] <crutchy> that one prolly wont do anything noticeable cos it executes on every line anyway
[11:26:51] <crutchy> so running twice wont really change anything
[11:27:16] <chromas> ~UG4HO6EW9NBBE9CH51SOK6H8N3 One hundred
[11:27:25] <chromas> Not even cause a loop?
[11:28:10] <crutchy> nah can't see how
[11:28:19] <crutchy> no harm trying though :-)
[11:28:47] <crutchy> one of the hex things is the sed script
[11:28:54] <chromas> ~JRB8D93MSCRQ92E4M1LE9BCX89 8008135
[11:29:00] <crutchy> the other is called funnel.php
[11:29:19] <crutchy> it just repeats privmsgs from all channels to #*
[11:29:32] <crutchy> kinda like an aggregator
[11:29:56] <chromas> ~TXVHG62M7CGR4K9SC5H6R1S29G testfart
[11:30:05] <crutchy> you'll see messages from all channels that exec is in show up there
[11:40:28] <chromas> neat; now I get a near-perpetual golden channel name. It looks like people are talking to me :-)
[11:41:14] <crutchy> lol wha?
[11:41:52] <chromas> When exec mentions me the #* channel turns orange
[11:42:04] <crutchy> lol
[11:42:15] <crutchy> i disabled highlights from exec
[11:42:31] <crutchy> and deadpeas
[11:42:39] <crutchy> shit i'd better change that
[11:43:28] <chromas> I don't think I can set highlight ignores. It's probably on the todo list
[11:43:45] <crutchy> you don't use xchat?
[11:44:59] <chromas> no
[11:45:12] <chromas> Quassel. I think it's the only IRC client in the universe that doesn't
[11:45:55] <chromas> But it's cool 'cause I can connect from desktop, phone or wherever and have the entire backlog always available
[11:45:58] <crutchy> you can always just put monopoly in #*
[11:46:28] <crutchy> have it alert you when something interesting happens
[11:46:43] <chromas> true
[11:47:01] <crutchy> can make your own ignore list
[11:47:34] <chromas> haha, I can have it listen for interesting stuff in #* and then anything interesting could be reported to another channel :)
[11:47:56] <crutchy> that too :-)
[11:48:20] <crutchy> and then if exec is in there too we can set up an infinite loop :-P
[11:48:37] <crutchy> or i can just put a conddition in
[11:49:05] <chromas> No. Protection is the devil's work
[11:49:18] <chromas> Put a catholic priest in instead
[12:29:55] <crutchy> ~civ u
[12:29:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (68,43) to (68,42)
[12:29:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[12:29:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (68,43)
[13:03:51] <crutchy> ~civ u
[13:03:53] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved warrior up from (68,43) to (68,42)
[13:03:53] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[13:03:53] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (68,42)
[13:05:40] <crutchy> ~civ player-data crutchy
[13:08:09] <crutchy> ~civ player-edit
[13:08:10] <exec> IRCiv: syntax: [civ] player-edit nick key value (value can be omitted to set empty string, and value of <unset> unsets key)
[13:09:24] <chromas> ~civ player-edit chromas gil 9001
[13:09:25] <exec> IRCiv: access denied: nick "chromas" not logged in
[13:09:33] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has parted #civ
[13:09:33] <exec> IRCiv: logout: player "chromas" logged out
[13:09:41] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #civ
[13:09:43] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[13:09:46] <chromas> ~civ player-edit chromas gil 9001
[13:10:11] <crutchy> doesn't work for you sorrry :-P
[13:10:25] <crutchy> though it only has nick protection, not whois protection
[13:10:32] <crutchy> prolly need to update that
[13:11:31] <chromas> /kick crutchy && /nick crutchy && ~civ player-edit chromas gil 60000000000
[13:11:39] <crutchy> lol
[13:16:54] <crutchy> ~reload
[13:16:56] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[13:17:32] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-edit crutchy color 100,100,100
[13:17:34] <exec> IRCiv: key "color" set with value "100,100,100" for player "crutchy"
[13:19:02] <crutchy> ~civ u
[13:19:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (68,42) to (68,41)
[13:19:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[13:19:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (68,42)
[13:19:28] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data chromas
[13:19:46] <chromas> I am dataless
[13:19:55] <crutchy> you have a color
[13:20:01] <crutchy> for some reason i didn't
[13:20:08] <chromas> White?
[13:20:08] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data crutchy
[13:20:38] <chromas> Oh if we get to choose, I'll play the helmet
[13:20:40] <crutchy> 207,94,73 (rgb)
[13:20:45] <crutchy> lol
[13:23:30] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[13:23:55] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[13:23:57] <exec> IRCiv: exec
[13:23:57] <exec> IRCiv: mrcool|afk
[13:23:57] <exec> IRCiv: SoyGuest68093
[13:23:57] <exec> IRCiv: MrBluze|afk
[13:23:57] <exec> IRCiv: bacon
[13:23:58] <exec> IRCiv: weather
[13:23:58] <exec> IRCiv: SoyGuest30832
[13:23:59] <exec> IRCiv: chromas
[13:23:59] <exec> IRCiv: crutchy
[13:25:11] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [] exec
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [5] mrcool|afk
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [4] SoyGuest68093
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [7] MrBluze|afk
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [8] bacon
[13:25:14] <exec> IRCiv: [1] weather
[13:25:15] <exec> IRCiv: [2] SoyGuest30832
[13:25:15] <exec> IRCiv: [3] chromas
[13:25:16] <exec> IRCiv: [9] crutchy
[13:26:21] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[13:26:23] <exec> IRCiv: [5] mrcool|afk
[13:26:23] <exec> IRCiv: [4] SoyGuest68093
[13:26:23] <exec> IRCiv: [7] MrBluze|afk
[13:26:23] <exec> IRCiv: [8] bacon
[13:26:24] <exec> IRCiv: [1] weather
[13:26:24] <exec> IRCiv: [2] SoyGuest30832
[13:26:25] <exec> IRCiv: [3] chromas
[13:26:25] <exec> IRCiv: [9] crutchy
[13:27:07] <crutchy> need to figure out how to keep the player ids constant
[13:27:53] <chromas> User/host mask?
[13:28:14] <crutchy> its just an arbitrary thing atm
[13:28:34] <crutchy> need to make it a property stored in the player_data bucket
[13:29:33] <chromas> If it requires we be registered on the irc server then you could go by user name but still display the nick
[13:30:09] <chromas> Since the user wouldn't change
[13:30:19] <crutchy> only purpose of player id is for web address
[13:30:23] <crutchy> i prolly don't need it actually
[13:30:33] <crutchy> could just use encoded account name
[13:30:59] <crutchy> hmm maybe i'll leave it for the moment
[13:31:07] <crutchy> it's kinda buried in the webserver code
[13:31:08] <chromas> exec must be 0
[13:31:32] <crutchy> exec player array element only stores a couple of things
[13:31:35] <crutchy> not really a player
[13:32:01] <crutchy> just to save creating another bucket index
[13:32:21] <chromas> I made a group on facebook called 0 and it showed up as blank for a long time
[13:32:26] <crutchy> lol
[13:32:31] <chromas> Friend group
[13:32:55] <chromas> Moar buckets
[13:33:32] <crutchy> ~buckets-count
[13:33:40] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[13:33:42] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[13:33:42] <exec> bucket count: 47
[13:34:02] <chromas> ~bucket-create blowballs
[13:34:11] <crutchy> hmm
[13:34:16] <crutchy> ~buckets
[13:34:26] <crutchy> ~buckets-add
[13:34:30] <crutchy> ~buckets-set
[13:34:34] <crutchy> fuck
[13:34:36] <crutchy> ~bucket
[13:34:36] <chromas> ~bucket-create fun
[13:34:38] <exec> GET: ~bucket <index>
[13:34:38] <exec> SET: ~bucket <index> <data>
[13:34:38] <exec> UNSET: ~bucket <index> unset
[13:34:42] <crutchy> there we go
[13:34:44] <crutchy> :-P
[13:35:01] <crutchy> i dunno this one might be protected too
[13:35:07] <crutchy> prolly should be
[13:35:10] <chromas> ~bucket cow
[13:35:18] <chromas> ~bucket 4
[13:35:24] <crutchy> yeah it is
[13:35:28] <crutchy> sry :-)
[13:35:42] <chromas> ~bucket index2.html
[13:35:56] <crutchy> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:35:59] <exec> ~bucket-create fun
[13:36:15] <crutchy> hmm
[13:36:18] <crutchy> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:36:19] <exec> ~bucket-create fun
[13:36:51] <crutchy> maybe it ignores failed authentications
[13:36:56] <chromas> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:37:07] <crutchy> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:37:09] <exec> ~bucket-create fun
[13:37:15] <crutchy> yeah it must
[13:37:22] <chromas> Rar
[13:37:27] <crutchy> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:37:28] <exec> Rar
[13:37:58] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#civ
[13:37:59] <exec> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:38:08] <crutchy> lol damn no recursion
[13:38:18] <crutchy> it ignores itself
[13:38:36] <chromas> Teehee");}// \
[13:38:38] <crutchy> funny i don't think i designed it to do some of the things it does
[13:38:44] <crutchy> it just kinda happened
[13:38:59] <crutchy> ~bucket last_chromas_#civ
[13:39:00] <exec> Teehee");}// \
[13:39:02] <chromas> It's learning
[13:39:19] <crutchy> accidental features :-P
[13:40:09] <chromas> Soon it will be ruling the world and learn to tie its own shoes
[13:41:24] <crutchy> its kinda scary how easy its been to implement some things
[13:41:32] <crutchy> in ways i didn;t think of
[13:41:45] <crutchy> like the numeric events in cmd.php
[13:42:19] <crutchy> just kinda stumbled into existence :-P
[13:43:01] <chromas> Accidental engineering
[13:43:24] <chromas> Stumbleering
[13:43:32] <crutchy> yeah. i think that's why i like it :-D
[13:44:05] <chromas> ~define recursion
[13:44:06] <exec> [urbandictionary] recursion: See recursion.
[13:44:13] <crutchy> lol
[13:44:47] <chromas> ~bad
[13:45:07] <crutchy> i think i commented out that one
[13:45:16] <chromas> Aw
[13:45:27] <chromas> Or it's called something else
[13:45:37] <chromas> ~naughty
[13:46:05] <chromas> ~enable naughtybox
[13:46:07] <crutchy> ~zoot
[13:46:11] <crutchy> ~reload
[13:46:13] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[13:46:16] <crutchy> rofl
[13:46:16] <exec> I want to dress you up as TALLULAH BANKHEAD and cover you with VASELINE
[13:46:17] <exec> and WHEAT THINS ...
[13:46:41] <crutchy> i tweaked the rofl exec line a bit
[13:46:56] <crutchy> cos it makes for a funny trap
[13:47:10] <chromas> rofl copter
[13:47:11] <exec> The old archeologist, Throstle,
[13:47:11] <exec> Discovered a marvelous fossil.
[13:47:11] <exec> He knew from its bend
[13:47:12] <exec> And the knot on the end,
[13:47:12] <exec> 'Twas the penis of Paul the Apostle.
[13:47:47] <chromas> I thought Peter was the rock
[13:48:01] <crutchy> doesnt rhyme with fossil
[13:49:02] <chromas> rofl
[13:49:02] <exec> Incest, n:
[13:49:03] <exec> Sibling revelry; a sport the whole family can enjoy.
[13:49:28] <chromas> ~define wincest
[13:49:30] <exec> [urbandictionary] wincest: The term "wincest" consists of both win and incest. It's basically an act of hot sex between family members, which makes it WINcest. Commonly used ...
[13:49:59] <chromas> ...for sister-sister action
[13:50:28] <chromas> ~define twincest
[13:50:30] <exec> [urbandictionary] twincest: twins having sex.. its so wrong, yet it feels so right
[13:56:20] <chromas> ~define chesticles
[13:56:25] <exec> chesticles: unable to find definition
[14:34:16] <crutchy> ~lock ~civ
[14:34:16] <exec> alias "~civ" locked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[14:34:29] <crutchy> ~unlock
[14:34:29] <exec> alias "~civ" unlocked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[14:34:44] <crutchy> ~part
[14:35:01] <crutchy> bugger
[14:35:34] <crutchy> ~part
[14:35:35] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #civ
[14:36:58] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[14:36:58] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[14:36:59] <exec> IRCiv: map coords generated for channel "#civ"
[14:37:05] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:37:05] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 0/2, settler, +100, (36,49)
[14:37:05] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "chromas"
[14:37:06] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:37:06] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (79,30)
[14:37:06] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "crutchy"
[14:37:36] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[14:37:38] <exec> IRCiv: [1] crutchy
[14:37:47] <crutchy> hmm
[14:38:08] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data chromas
[14:45:39] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data chromas
[14:45:42] <exec> IRCiv: player "chromas" not found
[14:45:58] <crutchy> :=/
[14:46:01] <chromas> I died
[14:46:12] <chromas> Premature evaporation
[14:58:34] <crutchy> ~part
[14:58:35] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #civ
[14:58:49] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[14:58:49] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[14:58:50] <exec> IRCiv: map coords generated for channel "#civ"
[14:58:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:58:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,36)
[14:58:56] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "chromas"
[14:58:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:58:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (80,5)
[14:58:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome new player "crutchy"
[14:59:14] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-list
[14:59:15] <exec> IRCiv: [1] chromas
[14:59:16] <exec> IRCiv: [2] crutchy
[14:59:21] <chromas> ~civ d
[14:59:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => successfully moved settler down from (96,36) to (96,37)
[14:59:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:59:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 1/2, warrior, +100, (96,36)
[14:59:32] <crutchy> dunno what happened before
[14:59:46] <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data chromas
[14:59:59] <chromas> No data
[15:00:09] <crutchy> definitely has data
[15:00:09] <chromas> Of does it go to console
[15:00:15] <crutchy> goes to console
[15:00:28] <crutchy> array(12) {
[15:00:29] <crutchy> process terminated normally
[15:00:29] <crutchy> IRC_RAW :exec PRIVMSG #* :#civ <crutchy> ~civ-admin player-data chromas
[15:00:29] <crutchy> ["account"]=>
[15:00:29] <crutchy> process terminated normally
[15:00:29] <crutchy> string(7) "chromas"
[15:00:33] <crutchy> ["player_id"]=>
[15:00:35] <crutchy> int(1)
[15:00:37] <crutchy> ["init_time"]=>
[15:00:38] <crutchy> int(1401627532)
[15:00:40] <crutchy> ["color"]=>
[15:00:42] <crutchy> string(10) "249,56,197"
[15:00:44] <crutchy> ["units"]=>
[15:00:46] <crutchy> array(2) {
[15:00:48] <crutchy> [0]=>
[15:00:50] <crutchy> array(7) {
[15:00:52] <crutchy> ["type"]=>
[15:00:54] <crutchy> string(7) "settler"
[15:00:56] <crutchy> ["health"]=>
[15:00:58] <crutchy> int(100)
[15:01:02] <crutchy> ["sight_range"]=>
[15:01:04] <crutchy> int(4)
[15:01:06] <crutchy> ["x"]=>
[15:01:08] <crutchy> int(96)
[15:01:10] <crutchy> ["y"]=>
[15:01:12] <crutchy> int(37)
[15:01:14] <crutchy> ["strength"]=>
[15:01:17] <crutchy> string(11) "2,0,0,0,0,0"
[15:01:18] <crutchy> ["index"]=>
[15:01:20] <crutchy> there's a piece of it :-P
[15:01:40] <crutchy> ~part
[15:01:40] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #civ
[15:01:49] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:01:49] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:01:54] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[15:01:55] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[15:02:02] <crutchy> ~civ u
[15:02:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (80,5) to (80,4)
[15:02:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:02:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,5)
[15:02:23] <crutchy> seems to retain player id now, which is good
[15:02:33] <chromas> ~civ d
[15:02:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => successfully moved warrior down from (96,36) to (96,37)
[15:02:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:02:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 0/2, settler, +100, (96,37)
[15:02:53] <chromas> ~civ cast Phoenix Down
[15:40:40] <crutchy> ~civ-admin part
[15:40:42] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #civ
[15:40:51] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:40:51] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:40:56] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[15:40:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[15:56:53] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[15:58:21] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:58:21] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:58:30] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[15:58:31] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[15:58:52] -!- exec has quit [Client Quit]
[16:07:48] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[16:07:48] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[16:07:57] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[16:07:58] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[16:28:30] <crutchy> ~civ status
[16:28:31] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[16:28:32] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,5)
[22:13:40] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]