#civ | Logs for 2014-05-27

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[00:19:43] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:19:47] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:02:58] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[03:32:41] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[03:35:10] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[06:20:02] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[07:30:11] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[07:30:11] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[07:30:16] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "mrcool|afk"
[07:30:17] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[07:30:20] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "MrBluze|afk"
[07:30:47] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[07:30:47] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[07:30:49] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[10:46:38] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[10:51:59] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[10:51:59] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[10:52:02] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[12:23:38] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[12:24:02] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[12:24:03] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[12:24:08] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[12:24:09] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "mrcool|afk"
[12:24:10] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[12:24:13] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "MrBluze|afk"
[14:07:37] -!- IRCiv [IRCiv!~77120042@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[14:09:34] -!- IRCiv has quit [Client Quit]
[14:10:27] -!- _ [_!~77120042@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[14:10:49] -!- mode/#civ [+o _] by ChanServ
[14:11:33] -!- _ has quit [Client Quit]
[14:32:36] <crutchy> ~join #>
[14:56:54] <crutchy> civ status
[14:56:55] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[14:56:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (71,29)
[14:57:09] <crutchy> player-data crutchy
[14:57:39] <crutchy> civ player-data crutchy
[15:25:15] <crutchy> ~lock civ
[15:25:16] <exec> alias "civ" locked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[15:25:20] <crutchy> r
[15:25:21] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:25:21] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:21] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:25:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved settler right from (71,29) to (72,29)
[15:25:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:25:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:22] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (72,31)
[15:25:27] <crutchy> r
[15:25:28] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved warrior right from (72,31) to (73,31)
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:29] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (72,29)
[15:25:33] <crutchy> r
[15:25:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:25:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:25:34] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved settler right from (72,29) to (73,29)
[15:25:35] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:25:35] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:35] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (73,31)
[15:25:47] <crutchy> r
[15:25:48] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:25:48] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:48] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:25:49] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved warrior right from (73,31) to (74,31)
[15:25:49] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:25:49] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:25:49] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,29)
[15:26:01] <crutchy> u
[15:26:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:26:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:26:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:26:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (73,29) to (73,28)
[15:26:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:26:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:26:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (74,31)
[15:26:17] <crutchy> u
[15:26:19] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:26:19] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:26:19] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:26:19] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => successfully moved warrior up from (74,31) to (74,30)
[15:26:20] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:26:20] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:26:20] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:26:24] <crutchy> r
[15:26:24] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => unable to move right from (73,28) to (74,28) because player "MrBluze|afk" has an occupying unit
[15:26:25] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:27:58] <crutchy> status
[15:27:59] <exec> IRCiv: #civ.crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:28:00] <exec> IRCiv: #civ/crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:28:26] <crutchy> status
[15:28:28] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:28:28] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:30:25] <crutchy> r
[15:30:26] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => move right failed for active unit ("MrBluze|afk" is occupying)
[15:30:26] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:30:49] <crutchy> r
[15:30:50] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => move right failed for active unit (player "MrBluze|afk" is occupying)
[15:30:50] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (73,28)
[15:39:44] <crutchy> u
[15:39:46] <exec> IRCiv: #civ MrBluze|afk => player "crutchy" moved a unit within your field of vision
[15:39:46] <exec> IRCiv: #civ MrBluze|afk => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:39:46] <exec> IRCiv: #civ MrBluze|afk => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,28)
[15:39:47] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => successfully moved settler up from (73,28) to (73,27)
[15:39:47] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "MrBluze|afk"
[15:39:47] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[15:39:47] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (74,30)
[18:20:42] -!- mrcool|afk [mrcool|afk!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has parted #civ
[18:20:42] <exec> IRCiv: logout: player "mrcool|afk" logged out