# | Logs for 2014-08-30

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[00:16:41] <crutchy> ~bucket <<SN_COMMENT_FEED_CID>>
[00:16:42] <exec> 87397
[00:18:19] <crutchy> hmm seems to work again now
[00:18:35] <crutchy> maybe one of the runs borked and corrupted the cid bucket :(
[00:18:48] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[00:18:48] <monopoly> ^ 03Cat and owl playing - Fum & Gebra - Perfect friendship! - YouTube
[00:19:25] <crutchy> can't watch youbewb cos i'm still shaped for today :(
[00:21:02] <arti> oh
[00:21:07] <arti> round is a shape
[00:24:27] <tama> assburgers are crutchy's favorite thing to sniff then eat.
[00:37:50] <arti> hahaha
[00:38:27] <crutchy> 'big harry and mike in the morning talkin about the new hit movie pffftttt'
[00:41:27] <tama> the residents of uranus are called klingons
[00:52:21] * arti follows a thread on fark about white privilege
[00:52:32] <arti> should be renamed to minority disadvantage
[00:53:05] <crutchy> that's democracy for ya
[00:53:20] <crutchy> definition of democracy is basically mob rule
[00:53:30] <arti> http://www.fark.com
[00:54:31] <crutchy> fox news? pfft. are they even worth arguing about? that's like taking issue with my son talking about how the red power ranger is better than the blue one
[00:57:17] <arti> nah screw the news, it's the comments
[01:00:28] <tama> there are no movies about gratuitous xml
[02:33:36] <crutchy> ~php in_array
[02:33:36] <exec> bool in_array( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE] )
[02:35:34] <crutchy> added score 5 comment highlighting :D
[02:39:08] <crutchy> first run is spamming the #comments channel
[02:42:31] <tama> when buttering up a woman the term is not to be taken literally
[02:50:44] <chromas> /join #comments
[02:54:31] <tama> you dad is so white that a police officer pulled him over for a broken taillight and gave your dad one of his
[03:23:48] <crutchy> ~php strpos
[03:23:49] <exec> mixed strpos( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] )
[03:26:55] <crutchy> test
[03:27:10] <crutchy> test
[03:27:44] <crutchy> test
[03:28:02] <crutchy> ~comments
[03:31:32] <tama> tama is talking to a robot
[03:33:07] <chromas> Santa is gawking doughbot
[03:36:32] <tama> panties is reference
[04:21:36] <chromas> Dereference those panties, tama
[04:25:34] <tama> a garbage disposer is not a vajayjay
[06:23:42] <crutchy> waffles++
[06:23:42] <Bender> karma - waffles: 1
[06:27:38] <tama> your daddy is so perverted he thought he was banging a rhino when he conceived you
[06:43:37] <crutchy> waffles++
[06:43:37] <Bender> karma - waffles: 2
[06:43:38] <ciri> Oh, so i moderate it to use ==level 2</h2>level 2== instad of h2 add = for more levels.
[06:46:39] <tama> facebook is 4chan that doesn't forget
[07:51:14] <arti> waffles sound good
[07:51:20] * arti is heating up some hashbrowns
[07:51:28] <crutchy> ~gday arti
[07:51:28] <exec> * crutchy tosses a wine flute of spew to arti
[07:51:39] <arti> excellent
[07:51:59] <crutchy> drinking_red_wine_on_an_empty_stomach++
[07:51:59] <Bender> karma - drinking_red_wine_on_an_empty_stomach: 1
[07:52:55] <crutchy> took the spammy comment feed out
[07:53:02] <crutchy> seems to working ok now
[07:53:51] <arti> the finishing touches are always nice
[07:57:41] <tama> your mom is so fat the pyramids were built to counterbalance the earth
[07:57:49] <arti> :D
[08:01:41] <tama> not all dogs are lesbians
[08:13:07] <chromas> tama: but all women are
[08:13:07] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[08:16:42] <tama> juggs are double d or bigger
[08:17:09] <chromas> You?
[08:17:29] <chromas> I guess it only acts up in public
[08:20:42] <tama> Your mother is so unfamiliar with the gym she calls it James.
[08:22:10] <chromas> Never saw that one go in
[08:25:42] <tama> Your mom is so fat, when she walked by the TV, I missed 3 shows.
[08:45:51] -!- monopoly has quit [Quit: bugfix]
[08:46:01] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[09:59:52] <chromas> Maybe arti knows
[10:02:03] <crutchy> tama, only arti knows the secrets of sylnt
[10:02:03] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[10:02:43] <crutchy> tama, you know who else's factoid isn't in the database? MY MOM!!
[10:02:43] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[10:05:46] <tama> a garbage disposer is not a vajayjay
[10:21:55] <chromas> tama: I have an extension program going on in my pants
[10:21:55] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[10:22:10] <chromas> tama: I <have> an extension program going on in my pants
[10:22:10] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[10:25:47] <tama> konomi is assraped by inevitability
[10:41:01] -!- systemd has quit [Quit: chromas]
[10:47:04] -!- systemd [systemd!~supybot@34-600-112-610.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[10:47:32] -!- systemd has quit [Client Quit]
[10:48:04] -!- systemd [systemd!~supybot@34-600-112-610.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[10:54:36] -!- monopoly has quit [Quit: bewsb++]
[10:54:47] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[11:04:12] -!- monopoly has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:05:39] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[11:15:28] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[11:15:47] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[11:15:48] <crutchy> monopoly and systemd need a fruend
[11:16:06] <chromas> there needs to be a bot bit
[11:16:12] <crutchy> its little, and broken, but still good
[11:16:18] <chromas> that way our clients can have a special section for them like they do for voice and op
[11:16:31] <crutchy> yeah
[11:16:32] <chromas> segregation++
[11:16:32] <Bender> karma - segregation: 1
[11:16:42] <chromas> \quit
[11:16:42] -!- systemd has quit [Quit: chromas]
[11:17:15] -!- systemd [systemd!~supybot@34-600-112-610.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[11:17:18] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart :dogfart PRIVMSG # :i like trains
[11:17:19] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[11:17:19] <dogfart> i like trains
[11:17:19] <tama> "I Like Trains" would make a good name for a band.
[11:17:19] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[11:17:20] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[11:17:27] <crutchy> lol
[11:17:28] <ciri> HEY! don't laugh at me
[11:17:33] <crutchy> bot madness
[11:17:55] <chromas> \grab dogfart
[11:17:55] <systemd> chromas: Error: You need to have PySQLite installed to use QuoteGrabs. Download it at <http://pysqlite.org/>
[11:17:57] <chromas> :(
[11:17:57] <monopoly> ^ 03What is realizable with Python and SQL? - Pysqlite | Pysqlite ( http://www.pysqlite.org )
[11:18:03] <chromas> I even installed sqlite2 to be sure
[11:18:26] <crutchy> prolly need a timestamp bucket so it doesn't repeat more than once per minute
[11:18:45] <crutchy> better install sqlite3.. from orbit. its the only way to be sure
[11:19:11] <chromas> have both
[11:22:31] <crutchy> i'm hiding
[11:25:49] <tama> Android is for faggots.
[11:27:48] -!- systemd has quit [Quit: chromas]
[11:28:05] -!- systemd [systemd!~supybot@34-600-112-610.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[11:28:36] <chromas> \grab crutchy
[11:28:36] <systemd> chromas: Error: I couldn't find a proper message to grab.
[11:28:42] <chromas> /say teste
[11:28:42] <monopoly> teste
[11:28:44] <chromas> \grab monopoly
[11:28:44] <systemd> chromas: Error: You need to have PySQLite installed to use QuoteGrabs. Download it at <http://pysqlite.org/>
[11:28:46] <monopoly> ^ 03What is realizable with Python and SQL? - Pysqlite | Pysqlite ( http://www.pysqlite.org )
[11:28:49] <crutchy> yay!
[11:28:49] <chromas> damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn
[11:28:59] <crutchy> not yay?
[11:29:17] <chromas> still doesn't see pysqlite
[11:29:21] <crutchy> systemd doesn't like monopoly
[11:29:22] <systemd> crutchy: Error: "doesn't" is not a valid command.
[11:29:25] <chromas> plus monopoly still follows the link
[11:29:30] <chromas> \grab crutchy
[11:29:30] <systemd> chromas: Error: You need to have PySQLite installed to use QuoteGrabs. Download it at <http://pysqlite.org/>
[11:29:32] <monopoly> ^ 03What is realizable with Python and SQL? - Pysqlite | Pysqlite ( http://www.pysqlite.org )
[11:29:36] <crutchy> aw
[11:29:59] <chromas> there's a couple forks of supybot; maybe that was a bug they fixed
[11:33:49] <tama> yo mama is so fat that when she stands up streetlights turn on
[11:34:14] <chromas> hm
[11:34:15] <ciri> Hm..geez bacteria produce a lot of comments because only a few things, juggs.
[11:34:23] <chromas> Some street lights turn off when I go by
[11:37:49] <tama> the cake is a pie
[11:47:22] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:47:46] <crutchy> i killed him@!
[11:49:58] <chromas> systemctl start dogfart
[11:49:59] <systemd> chromas: Error: "start" is not a valid command.
[11:53:49] <tama> anal beads are to be traded with the natives.
[12:23:45] <chromas> tama: you used to be better than me but now we're the same so that makes you worse!
[12:23:45] <tama> A thousand apologies, effendi, but I do not understand.
[12:23:58] <chromas> ciri: you used to be better than me but now we're the same so that makes you worse!
[12:23:59] <ciri> chromas: Gold team leader i think that makes you different from the u.
[12:26:56] crutchy is now known as ^
[12:27:50] <tama> 1+3 is 4
[12:28:26] <^> tama, 3 is bewb
[12:28:26] <tama> Okay, ^.
[12:29:50] ^ is now known as crutchy
[12:31:51] <tama> chromas is afraid of milk.
[12:32:17] <chromas> Milk--
[12:32:17] <Bender> karma - milk: -1
[12:35:51] <tama> elephants are mammals.
[13:31:08] <crutchy> .deop
[13:31:08] -!- mode/# [-o crutchy] by juggler
[13:34:53] <tama> demigods are like boldgods but slightly more compact
[13:40:19] <crutchy> ~join #comments
[13:43:53] <tama> chocobos are good done medium well on rye with a bit of spicy mustard
[19:55:21] * chromas gives tama the Simpsons
[19:55:21] * tama now contains the Simpsons.
[19:59:04] <tama> how now brown cow is a saying
[23:27:07] * chromas gives tama a present
[23:27:07] * tama is now carrying a present.
[23:30:10] <tama> NCommander is always around, but never seen