# | Logs for 2014-08-12

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[00:00:11] <tama> yo mamma is so fat that if she wanted to go to the moon they would need a saturn 5 just to lift her undies
[00:08:51] <chromas> That reminds me of a movie I just saw the other day
[00:09:00] <arti> was it blade runner?
[00:09:35] <chromas> Under the Skin. Lots of overly long shots and obnoxious noise, especially at the beginning
[00:10:40] <chromas> Although for some reason that video won't load. It did at ad an now it must shows the throbber
[00:10:57] <chromas> Thought there was a gay minute limit to YouTube videos
[00:11:48] <arti> hahaha
[00:12:02] <arti> Under the Skin: Feminism
[00:12:04] <ciri> Christ, smegma is disgusting. Pulled my dad's skin back today and the show.
[00:15:11] <tama> ciri is in the closet
[00:17:00] <chromas> At least there's nudity
[00:20:11] <tama> your reference are belong to us
[00:20:41] <arti> o/ noods
[00:24:11] <tama> slashdot is for beta fuckets
[00:57:39] <chromas> Damn. Google has a message size limit
[01:01:12] <tama> weekday is a flavor of tomato
[01:58:25] <paulej72> tama: yo mamma
[01:58:25] <tama> yo mamma is so fat that if she wanted to go to the moon they would need a saturn 5 just to lift her undies
[02:02:15] <tama> ribs are best eaten after they've been cooked.
[04:06:40] <arti> 2-48
[04:06:43] <arti> 2-49
[04:06:55] <arti> 2048
[04:06:56] <arti> :D
[04:10:19] <tama> your reference are belong to us
[04:10:39] * arti pets tama
[04:14:20] <tama> you dad is so white that a police officer pulled him over for a broken taillight and gave your dad one of his
[04:17:24] <chromas> tama, that was fast and easy, like your sister
[04:17:24] <tama> I'm sorry, there's currently nothing associated with that keyphrase.
[04:17:32] <chromas> tama, x was y
[04:17:32] <tama> I do not know.
[04:18:57] <chromas> tama, in the past, x is y
[04:18:57] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[04:19:13] * arti claps
[04:19:23] <arti> tama, x is y
[04:19:23] <tama> arti: I already had it that way
[04:19:29] <arti> tama, x
[04:19:29] <tama> x is y
[04:19:46] <chromas> gives tama an x×y
[04:19:46] * tama now contains an x×y.
[04:23:05] <chromas> tama: stats
[04:23:05] <tama> I've been awake since Sun Aug 10 14:20:13 2014 (about 1 day), and was last changed about 13 weeks ago. Since waking up, I've learned 24 new factoids. I know now a total of 554 things about 323 subjects. I know of 184 objects and am carrying 1 of them.
[04:23:11] <chromas> Oh noes
[04:24:10] * chromas gives tama rotten fruit from Albertson's
[04:24:10] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[04:24:28] * chromas gives tama chocolate water
[04:24:28] * tama is now carrying chocolate water.
[04:24:34] <arti> !g qfc supermarket
[04:24:35] <ciri> 95,800 results | QFC @ https://www.qfc.com | QFC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia @ http://en.wikipedia.org | QFC Quality Food Center - Capitol Hill - Seattle, WA | Yelp @ http://www.yelp.com | QFC - Northeast Portland - Portland, OR | Yelp @ http://www.yelp.com | QFC Quality Food Center - University District -
[04:24:36] <ciri> Seattle, WA | Yelp @ http://www.yelp.com
[04:25:11] * chromas gives tama !
[04:25:16] * chromas gives tama a !
[04:25:16] * tama now contains a.
[04:25:41] <chromas> Damn you, tama, and your language passing skills
[04:25:48] <chromas> Parsing
[04:26:09] <chromas> Damn you, chromas, and your misspelling skills
[04:27:12] * chromas gives tama A Pimp Named Slickback
[04:27:12] * tama now contains A Pimp Named Slickback.
[04:28:36] * chromas gives tama a walk
[04:28:36] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[04:32:20] <tama> just like what used to be called rock is now pop
[05:41:43] * chromas gives tama the shocker
[05:41:43] * tama now contains the shocker.
[05:42:36] * chromas gives tama the finger
[05:42:36] * tama is now carrying the finger.
[05:46:22] <tama> gay people are ok
[05:48:42] * chromas gives tama a footlong dong
[05:48:42] * tama is now carrying a footlong dong.
[05:52:22] <tama> soylent news is poople
[06:27:15] <chromas> tama: jet set radio (future) is the shit
[06:27:15] <tama> chromas: Your mom is the shit!
[06:27:25] <chromas> tama: you damn right
[06:27:25] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[06:31:23] <tama> juggs is not to be trusted.
[06:37:30] <chromas> tama: tama and ciri are buttbuddies
[06:37:30] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[06:41:24] <tama> shit is not for eating no matter what dogs do with it
[07:15:05] <arti> so mrcool is in town
[07:15:12] <arti> apparently there is a party in south central
[07:15:19] <arti> i'm not so sure about driving around there at night
[07:15:22] <arti> :When driving down Florence and Normandie, be wary of a man in a green suit and purple bow tie, sitting on what looks like an old leather trumpet case. He usually sits at the SE corner. When you pull up with your windows down he will come up to your car, pull his pants down, put his butt in your car through your side window, and take a dump in your car. :
[07:15:33] <arti> http://www.virtualtourist.com
[07:19:25] <tama> a jar is a female sex organ
[08:18:48] <crutchy> lol @ arti, how the fuck do you come across that sorta stuff?
[08:18:48] <ciri> lol that's funny!
[08:19:01] <arti> come across what
[08:19:21] <arti> after reading up about the demographics i'm not sure i want to go
[08:19:24] <arti> 2.2% white around there
[08:19:31] <crutchy> some article about a guy in LA taking a shit in peoples cars
[08:19:35] <arti> apparently after dark is especially fun
[08:19:49] <arti> i was looking up south central stuff, came across that in the fucking comments
[08:19:49] <tama> i was looking up south central stuff, came across that in fucking the comments
[08:20:02] <arti> confused me for a second
[08:20:37] <arti> you'd think i could write a better submission text or something
[08:21:52] <arti> http://vimeo.com
[08:21:53] <ciri> [Soylentnews] - japanese government beginning anime/manga copyright enforcement campaign - http://dev.soylentnews.com]: delim_end pos = "36511.
[08:21:53] <monopoly> ^ 03BackTrack Reborn - Kali Linux Teaser on Vimeo
[08:23:08] * chromas submits a lollogram to ciri
[08:23:20] <crutchy> ciri, have you been boning bender again?
[08:23:51] <crutchy> !grab tama
[08:23:51] <Bender> Added quote 20
[08:24:16] <crutchy> fucking_the_comments++
[08:24:16] <Bender> karma - fucking_the_comments: 1
[08:25:09] <arti> *FUCK*FUCKF*FUCK*
[08:27:34] <crutchy> !quote 220
[08:27:34] <Bender> Can't find quote 220
[08:28:10] <chromas> !Roll 220
[08:28:11] <ciri> chromas rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[08:28:31] <chromas> !Roll that beautiful bean footage
[08:28:32] <ciri> chromas rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[08:29:22] <chromas> !Roll 100d10000
[08:29:22] <ciri> chromas rolls 502866
[08:29:45] <arti> !roll 1d220
[08:29:45] <ciri> arti rolls 122
[08:29:51] <chromas> Gives tama 502866 penises
[08:29:51] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[08:33:27] <tama> butts are for piccolos
[08:34:36] <arti> The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches you with his noodly appendage. You have found the level 274 genetically modified asian palm civet which shits perfect fresh coffee on demand! Your foes twitch at the the very thought of this.
[08:38:27] <tama> tama is in dire need of an ass bruisin'
[08:52:02] <crutchy> tama, butts are also for trumpets
[08:52:02] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:52:30] <crutchy> tama, trumpets are like really old versions of tamagotchis
[08:52:30] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[08:55:10] <crutchy> !roll <n>d<x>[<mod>]:
[08:55:10] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[08:55:23] <crutchy> tama, where is the any key?
[08:55:23] <tama> crutchy: Your mom is the any key!
[08:55:56] <crutchy> tama, i think i brained my damage
[08:59:27] <tama> there is no spoon
[09:16:42] <chromas> tama: a fork is always waiting to happen
[09:16:42] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:20:28] <tama> JavaScript is the ultimate power in this universe.
[09:20:59] <chromas> Nigga what
[09:21:15] <arti> muhaha
[09:21:26] <arti> http://i.4cdn.org
[09:21:26] <chromas> (1.21Niggawhats)
[09:21:40] <arti> the blurred form of an employee
[09:22:10] <chromas> Lol
[09:22:52] <chromas> tama: javascript is for niggerrigging
[09:22:52] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:24:07] <chromas> tama: Ruby is for...uh, some term that would offend Japanese people
[09:24:07] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:25:29] <chromas> tama: c is for people who like makefiles
[09:25:29] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:25:58] <chromas> tama: c++ is for people who like makefiles and inconsistent operators
[09:25:58] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:27:06] <chromas> ciri: nobody knows it yet but rust is actually a secret project by the gods of enlightenment
[09:27:08] <ciri> chromas: Tears things that change on spinning rust.
[09:27:12] <chromas> Oops
[09:27:17] <arti> you're fucking with it more?
[09:27:29] <chromas> Tama: nobody knows it yet but rust is actually a secret project by the gods of enlightenment
[09:27:29] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:27:58] <chromas> tama: but the original language of the gods of Pascal
[09:27:58] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[09:28:08] <chromas> tama: but the original language of the gods is Pascal
[09:28:08] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:28:12] <chromas> Damn keyboard
[09:28:41] <chromas> arti: rust? Nah. But it does look good
[09:29:30] <crutchy> tama, i am yet to attain omnipresent supergalactic oneness
[09:29:30] <tama> Can't talk, zombies!
[09:31:07] <chromas> tama: php was created by Eris
[09:31:07] <tama> I don't know anything about that.
[09:31:26] <chromas> tama: php is the evil plot of Eris
[09:31:26] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:31:33] <crutchy> tama, one must forego the self to obtain total spiritual creaminess, and avoid the chewy chunks of degradation
[09:31:33] <tama> Error at 0x08: Reference not found
[09:31:51] <crutchy> tama, ace ventura is the god of php
[09:31:51] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:33:10] <crutchy> tama, your request is not unlike your lower intestine: stinky and loaded with danger
[09:33:10] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:35:12] <chromas> tama: blackberry messenger is a buttpipe
[09:35:13] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:35:34] * chromas puts an asterisk in tama
[09:35:34] * tama now contains an asterisk.
[09:35:49] <chromas> tama got emptied again
[09:36:05] * chromas gives tama the emptiness
[09:36:05] * tama is now carrying the emptiness.
[09:36:10] * chromas gives tama the nothing
[09:36:10] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:36:20] * chromas gives tama the auron
[09:36:20] * tama is now carrying the auron.
[09:37:25] <chromas> tama: crutchy is the master of php
[09:37:25] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:38:14] <arti> tama, otherkin are faggots.
[09:38:15] <tama> Okay, arti.
[09:39:22] <chromas> ~define otherkin
[09:39:23] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3Otherkin: Otherkin are a fringe group of human society who, for one reason or another, believe themselves to be the reincarnation of mythic creatures, typically elves, though others include dragons, demons, vam...
[09:39:35] <arti> https://encyclopediadramatica.es
[09:39:37] <monopoly> ^ 03Otherkin - Encyclopedia Dramatica
[09:39:38] <ciri> [Urbandictionary] otherkin: otherkin are a rectal orifice.
[09:39:48] <chromas> vam...?
[09:39:58] <arti> pire
[09:40:05] <arti> or plantkin
[09:40:07] <arti> or spacekin
[09:40:11] <arti> or dumplings.
[09:40:14] <chromas> Noooo!!!
[09:40:26] <arti> I'm sick of all of these fucking animalkin and plantkin. I am a transgendered dirtkin and I'm sick and tired of all of you just thinking you can grow in me and take all my nutrients and piss and shit on me. Check your goddamn privilege. God!
[09:40:30] <chromas> Vampoo
[09:40:39] <arti> Vampoos visited the occupy peeps
[09:42:22] <chromas> Oh hey that's another wiki
[09:42:41] * chromas adjusts site detector
[09:46:17] <arti> sleep time
[09:49:28] <tama> slashdot is for beta fuckets
[09:53:47] <chromas> tama: demigods are like boldgods but slightly more compact
[09:53:47] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[09:56:31] <crutchy> tama, italigods are demigods that have had too much to drink
[09:56:31] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[09:56:47] * chromas wonders if there was a Times Roman
[10:00:29] <tama> oracle is docking.
[10:50:39] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[10:50:41] <monopoly> ^ 03Ultimate Dog Tease - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[10:54:30] <tama> your mom is so ancient if she walked any slower she'd be backing up
[10:54:31] <chromas> Lol
[10:54:47] <chromas> The dog is thinking "bacon++"
[10:58:30] <tama> exec is all regexy now :-d
[11:07:53] -!- tama has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:30:37] <crutchy> oh oh tama's dead
[11:30:46] <crutchy> we killed it
[11:31:05] <crutchy> it dun gone now
[11:31:32] <crutchy> ~time chicago
[11:31:35] <exec> Tuesday, 12 August 2014 @ 6:31 am CDT - Chicago, IL, USA
[11:45:26] <crutchy> ~users rebuild
[11:46:40] <crutchy> ~users count-nicks
[11:46:41] <exec> *** 68 nicks registered
[11:46:50] <crutchy> ~users count-channels
[11:46:50] <exec> *** 33 channels registered
[11:47:22] <crutchy> ~users list-channels
[11:47:23] <exec> *** channels: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
[11:47:33] <crutchy> pft
[11:48:03] <crutchy> ~users list-channels
[11:48:04] <exec> *** channels: 0, #frontend, #keira_knightley, #idlenerds, #bewbs, #sublight, #wiki, #dev, #pipedot, #natalie_portman, #altslashdot, #~#w00tw00t, #help, #sysops, #qa, #numbers, #trivia, #~, ##aqu4bot, #test, #irpg, #botcommand, #shell32.dll, #derp, #rss-bot, #irc-staff, #, #style, #editorial, #relaytest, #staff, #soylent, #civ
[11:54:25] <crutchy> ~restart
[11:54:26] <exec> successfully saved buckets file
[11:54:34] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[11:54:48] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[11:55:16] <crutchy> ~tests
[11:55:22] <exec> run_bucket_list_test failed!
[11:55:50] <crutchy> ~tests
[11:55:57] <exec> all tests passed!
[11:57:03] <crutchy> tama, confucius say if regression test fail, change test
[11:57:28] <crutchy> ~join #soylent
[12:01:52] <crutchy> ~users rebuild
[12:02:27] <crutchy> ~users count-nicks
[12:02:29] <exec> *** 67 nicks registered
[12:02:45] <crutchy> ~users count-channels
[12:02:46] <exec> *** 32 channels registered
[12:02:57] <crutchy> ~users list-channels
[12:02:58] <exec> *** channels: #frontend, #keira_knightley, #idlenerds, #bewbs, #sublight, #wiki, #dev, #pipedot, #natalie_portman, #altslashdot, #~#w00tw00t, #help, #sysops, #qa, #numbers, #trivia, #~, ##aqu4bot, #test, #shell32.dll, #irpg, #botcommand, #derp, #rss-bot, #irc-staff, #, #editorial, #style, #relaytest, #staff, #soylent, #civ
[12:03:14] <crutchy> ~users list-nicks
[12:03:15] <exec> *** nicks: # exec h, # loggie h, # juggs g*, # monopoly h, # ciri h, # arti h, # chromas h, # crutchy h, # paulej72 h*, # xlefay g*@, # bender h, # juggler h*@, #soylent exec h, #soylent keplr h, #soylent space_man_ h, #soylent sirfinkus h, #soylent subsentient h, #soylent popeidol h, #soylent weeds h, #soylent blackmoore h+, #soylent woods h+, #soylent konomi h, #soylent juggs g*+, #soylent monopoly h, #soylent swiss h, #soylent landon h+, #soylent cyk
[12:03:59] <crutchy> should rename that one ~ping-o-death
[12:05:37] <crutchy> new append_bucket command seems to work :D
[12:05:57] <crutchy> no fancy database required :p
[12:07:39] <crutchy> ~users list-nicks
[12:53:33] <crutchy> ~users rebuild
[12:55:38] <crutchy> ~users list-accounts
[14:07:31] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[14:07:38] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 11:01 pm (EST) ~ 66 mins ago: temp: 106.7°C (44.1°F), dp: 106.6°C (43.9°F), press: 101034.9 mb (+0.2 mb), humid: 1099%, wind: 103.2 km/h (2 mph) @ 10220°
[14:10:31] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[14:10:35] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 10:58 pm (EST) ~ 72 mins ago: temp: 106.7°C (44.1°F), dp: 106.6°C (43.9°F), press: 101034.9 mb (+0.2 mb/120 mins), humid: 1099%, wind: 103.2 km/h (2 mph) @ 10220°
[14:20:15] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[14:20:19] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 11:02 pm (EST) ~ 78 mins ago: temp: 106.7°C (44.1°F), dp: 106.6°C (43.9°F), press: 101034.9 mb (+0.2 mb/120 mins), humid: 1099%, wind: 103.2 km/h (2 mph) @ 10220°
[14:20:33] <crutchy> ~weather crutchy
[14:20:36] <exec> weather for 10Morwell (latrobe Valley Airport), VIC, Australia at 11:02 pm (EST) ~ 78 mins ago: temp: 106.7°C (44.1°F), dp: 106.6°C (43.9°F), press: 101034.9 mb (+0.2 mb/120 mins), humid: 1099%, wind: 103.2 km/h (2 mph) @ 10220°
[14:21:03] <crutchy> hmm. the "72 mins ago" thing seemed a bit dicky
[14:21:40] <crutchy> was called 3 mins after but showed 8 min difference
[14:22:36] <crutchy> then was called 10 mins after and showed 8 min difference (prolly due to rounding)
[17:54:05] <arti> ping o death
[20:50:33] <chromas> Tama,
[20:55:17] <crutchy> it had an UNCAUGHT EJACULATION: TERMINATING error
[21:13:14] <arti> fucking hiccups
[21:16:26] <arti> tama, Gay people are evil, right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?
[21:16:32] <arti> :O'
[21:16:37] <arti> my bot is dead
[21:16:38] <ciri> I think your issue is that true with the saddened dead eyes of a check for 404's etc.
[21:18:15] <chromas> Can't remember what that quote was from
[21:18:32] <chromas> American Dad?
[21:19:36] -!- tama [tama!~bucket@xn206-341.members.linode.com] has joined #
[21:19:39] <chromas> Computer won't boot now. Think an hdd is dying
[21:19:48] <arti> get what you can off of it
[21:19:56] <arti> tama, Gay people are evil, right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?
[21:19:57] <tama> Okay, arti.
[21:20:25] * arti scavenged that off of a fark comment
[21:20:27] <chromas> Boot nazi. No boot for you!!
[21:21:41] <chromas> http://southpark.cc.com
[21:25:28] <tama> pennies are for faggots
[22:05:38] <arti> http://coalitionstate.com
[22:05:41] <arti> this is a pretty funny read
[22:09:29] <tama> there are no continues my friend
[22:53:55] <chromas> A lot of adobe reader
[22:57:30] <tama> a woman is like a beer; They smell good, they look good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one! But you can't stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!
[23:02:03] -!- chromas has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:04:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-36-590-45.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #
[23:04:14] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[23:04:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[23:06:05] -!- monopoly has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:18:52] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #
[23:23:18] <chromas> Temp dropped ten degrees in under an hour but it sure is muggy out
[23:23:26] <chromas> Don't see any blacks though
[23:23:42] <chromas> Oh whoops
[23:26:53] <chromas> tama: it is so dark and muggy out for a minute I thought I was in Harlem
[23:26:53] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[23:30:31] <tama> ciri is a lunchbox